With experience often comes knowledge. One brings their car to a mechanic, not a grocery clerk. You see a doctor when you have chest pains, not a real estate agent.

I taught for years and saw hundreds of students read books that many now want banned. I visited classrooms daily and heard riveting stories of slavery, space and the Civil War. I read “Captain Underpants,” “Matilda” and “The Stupids.” We had a community reading event in the school, and parents, grandparents and dignitaries brought Dr. Seuss books.

Parents and non-parents are banning books because they have the words “fat” and “dumb” in them. Honestly, you think students haven’t heard worse at home? Has anyone ever sworn in front of them or let them witness shooting in a video game?

At home, you can ban any book, but do not take them from everyone.

Yep, I shared “Hop on Pop” and these students became doctors, nurses, business owners and millworkers. They are nice people.

Your child has the same right we all had to form their own thoughts on slavery and the earth being round. Let teachers do what they do best: teach.


Steve Soule


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