I recently read George Hite’s letter to the editor that was posted to your site on March 5 and want to set the record straight on some inaccuracies, specifically that the Postmaster General is somehow sabotaging or dismantling the Postal Service (“U.S. Postal Service sabotaged by drastic cuts“).

Appointed by a bipartisan Board of Governors, who oversee all aspects of postal operations, Postmaster General DeJoy has laid out a 10-year Delivering for America plan that involves a $40 billion investment in our employees, new technologies and physical infrastructure.

For decades now, the Postal Service has been moving, removing, repurposing and upgrading mail processing equipment and operations as part of an ongoing strategy to retool our operations and change with the way our customers’ mailing needs change. Since the launch of the Delivering for America plan we’ve actually installed 259 new package sorting machines to keep up with increased parcel volumes nationwide. We’ve also added facilities and converted employees from pre-career to career positions at a record pace.

We’re currently in the process of realigning our transportation and delivery networks to eliminate waste and make operations more efficient so that we can continue to serve more than 161 million addresses nationwide with six-day-a-week mail service while remaining self-sufficient and relying on no tax dollars for operational expenses.

With a workforce that’s 644,000 strong, we’re still currently hiring for positions across the state so that we can position ourselves to be the American public’s shipper of choice for generations to come.

Steve Doherty

communications specialist

U.S. Postal Service


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