This letter is in response to the March 17 article about Pittston ballot clerks (“Pittston Select Board removes 2 election workers over claims of bias for candidate”).
I have been a ballot clerk for over 20 years in Pittston, starting out with Ann Chadwick. I am now primarily retired, helping out only when needed. In all that time, and in all the recounts Pittston has been through, the count has always matched the original count perfectly.
I have been an MSAD 11 school board member, selectboard member in Pittston, state Senate candidate in 1994, and served on many committees in town. I have been PTG president and volunteered countless hours in our schools. Having my integrity and honesty questioned is insulting.
According to this accusation, no one should be allowed to count votes as every ballot clerk votes to support candidates and often promotes their candidates before the elections. As a U.S. citizen, I have every right to support the candidate of my choice in my community, as do all ballot clerks. Based on what the article states, I do not fall into any of the categories of ineligibility.
No matter what level of support is given to a candidate by a ballot clerk, whether merely voting for them, talking to friends about them, or openly campaigning for them, that support has no influence on their job as a ballot clerk. You are sworn into your position so when you enter the Town Office to count votes as a ballot clerk, you leave everything else behind but your sworn duty. We are all professionals.
Those familiar with the process know that it is done by teams of two people from opposing parties. When one packet is counted, it is turned over to another team for a recount.
No one individual ever has the chance to change votes due to this process. To suggest otherwise is an affront to our system of governance and all ballot clerks everywhere.
Vicki Kelley
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