The Moving Company Teen Troupe take a bow after performing at the Cottage Street Creative Exchange gala in November. Submitted photo

Hailie Giasson rehearses her new creation at Art Moves Dance Studio where it will be performed during GlobaLocal. Submitted photo

Dani Crosta, Aria Pines and Savanna Swan, seniors with Portland Youth Dance, will perform a trio they choreographed together called “Now and Forever.” Submitted photo

Iris Littlefield makes the snow dance across the street from the dance studio. She was the youngest performer during the Cottage Street Creative Exchange gala in November. Submitted photo

Cosmic Creation, from left, Sarah Capra, Tegan Bullard, Laura Brainerd, Claudia LaGuardia, Lynsey Tamposi and Emma Lorusso, will perform three chakra themed dances. Submitted photo

Veeva Banga will perform and teach Afro Beat. Submitted photo

GlobaLocal dance party and performance will be presented from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday, April 1, at Cottage Street Creative Exchange in Norway. Performances will include Art Moves, Cosmic Creation, Expansion Arts, The Moving Company, Portland Youth Dance and more. Catering will be provided by Koley Dishes. The event is free, although donations are gratefully accepted at any time. Cottage Street Creative Exchange is located at 13 Cottage St., Norway. For more information please email

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