Members of Vassalboro Cub Scout Pack 410, front from left, are Webelos William Vincent, Hunter Brown and Christopher Santiago. Second row from left are Bear Tucker Lizotte, Eli Richmond, Henry Gray and Maxsim LaCroix. Third row from left are Tiger Lux Reynolds, Declan McLaughlin, John Gray, Wesley Danielson, Beckett Metcalf and Wolf Dominic Poulin. Fourth row from left are Assistant Cubmaster Christopher Reynolds, Cubmaster Christopher Santiago and Den Leader Lindsay Lizotte. Submitted photo
Cub Scout Pack 410 held its annual Pinewood Derby races March 19 at Vassalboro Community School.
Members of American Legion Post 126, including Commander Tom Richard and Adjutant Jim Kilbride were at the event. The Legion is the Chartered Organization Partner of the Scouting program.

The Vassalboro Cub Scout Pack 410 Pinewood Derby winners, front from left, are Wolf Champion Dominic Poulin, Bear Champion Henry Gray, Webelos Champion William Vincent and Tiger & Pack Champion Beckett Metcalf. Cubmaster Christopher Santiago is in back. Submitted photo
Each den, youth from the same grade in school, raced against each other. Winners from each den raced together to determine the overall winner for the pack, according to a news release from Chuck Mahaleris, district chairman for the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting.
The winners will represent Pack 410 at the Kennebec Valley District Pinewood Derby, scheduled for Saturday, April 1, at the Christ Church at 2 Dresden Ave. in Gardiner.
Beckett Metcalf was the Tiger Cub Den (first graders) winner and overall Pack 410 winner. Dominic Poulin, second grade, won the heats for the Wolf Cubs. Henry Gray took the top spot for the Bears (third graders), and William Vincent took the top prize for the Webelos (fourth and fifth graders).
Cubs are given a kit containing a block of wood, four nails and wheels. With the help of their parent or grandparent, they design and build their own pinewood derby car.
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