How have we come to the point that we as a state could be willing to ignore the humanity of an unborn child who is developed enough to survive outside of the womb? How are we so callous that we place our own convenience above the right of another human being to be alive?

L.D. 1619, the bill that seeks to expand abortion access up until birth, is nothing short of barbaric and grotesque. Besides which, with adoption agencies in every state holding lists of families who are waiting months and even years to adopt infants, it’s ludicrous to suggest that it’s needed.

As the mother of 10 children — yes, 10 — five of whom joined my family through adoption, I am intimately acquainted with the range of traumatic situations that lead to children being available for adoption. I’m in no way suggesting that carrying a baby to term, delivering it, and then placing it in the arms of strangers, or raising it yourself in less than ideal circumstances, is the easy solution. But it is the right one.

Life is pervaded with difficulty and challenges. Some of those challenges feel crushing and impossible to overcome. It’s natural to seek ways to lighten the load or seek an alternate route. But ending a human life should never be an option!

I resent the message being thrust upon women and girls: that we must be rescued from the challenges of life. That we aren’t capable of meeting difficult situations head on and dealing with them with strength and dignity. That our miraculous ability to bring forth life in this world is cheap and can be thrown aside like garbage.

I value life and I value women. People of Maine, please tell your legislators to reject L.D. 1619!


Kristin Tripp


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