Are you one of the 77% of hardworking Mainers who don’t have paid family leave? What happens if your child gets sick and you need time off? Have you ever had to miss work to care for a family member? Do you worry about your aging parents needing more of your support?

Consider Amelia’s situation. She was forced to work two weeks after the birth of a daughter with life-threatening complications. With household expenses and mounting medical bills, not returning to work would have bankrupted her family. Amelia’s story is just one of many. Most of us don’t have the money and resources to take time off to care for family members if they need us.

We are working mothers, daughters, and caregivers who believe no one should have to choose between caring for their family and paying their bills. Currently, there are 11 states that have successfully implemented various paid family leave programs for their residents, at little cost to them and their employers. These programs have been well received by both employers and employees, who report boosts in productivity and morale, as well as reduced turnover rates. Maine should be the next state with sensible legislation that provides paid family leave.

Let your state senator and representative know how paid family and medical leave would benefit you and your family. Voice your support for a strong paid family and medical leave program in Maine. Make it easier to put your own family first when they need you the most.

Stacey Duran

MacKayla Faloon


Mariah Lockhart

Angela Rothwell

Emily White

(The writers are all seniors at the University of Maine working toward bachelor’s degrees in social work.)

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