Members of Tardiff-Belanger American Legion Auxiliary Unit 39 in Madison filled backpacks with essentials to benefit children who will enter the Department of Health and Human Services System. From left are Harriet Bryant, Nancy Misiaszek, Jackie Pollis, Pauline Bell, Ann Cody, Robin Turek, Amy Washburn, Irma Fluet, Betty Price, Diane Pinkham and Tammy Giguere. Submitted photo
The month of April is recognized as Children and Youth Month as well as the Month of the Military Child.
In observance of both, members of the Tardiff-Belanger American Legion Auxiliary Unit 39 in Madison collected essential items such as clothes, pajamas, toothpaste, toothbrushes, diapers, jackets, socks, hygiene products for the older children, coloring books, crayons, and toys.
These items benefit the children who will enter the Department of Health and Human Services System, according to a news release from Harriet Bryant with the auxiliary.
Most children enter with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. These backpacks provide them with items they can call their own in hopes that it makes the transition a little easier for them.
This year, with donations of items from the members of the local community, Girl Scout Troop 351, and American Legion Family membership as well as the Auxiliary purchases, the Auxiliary delivered 464 items valued more than $1,400.

Madison Auxiliary Military Child’s Table. Submitted photo
Since purple is the color for the Military Child, members wore that color for the April meeting. Purple indicates that all branches of the military are supported. Air Force Blue, Army green, Navy blue, Marine red, and Coast Guard blue all are thought to combine as a single color: purple.
At the meeting, members set up the Military Child’s Table to be seen by all at the hall for April.
The following are the items and their representations: The potted flowering plant symbolizing that a military child may flower and flourish where they are planted; the hand spade recognizes that they may be transplanted to a new place in the world at a moment’s notice; the birthday hat and unlit candles, along with the baseball and glove, and ballet slippers represents special occasions that are missed; the family photo depicting a child with his/her uniformed parent demonstrates this country’s strength; the final touch to the table setting is the American flag, a reminder that families are united in their commitment to national service, at home or away.
To learn more about the Auxiliary’s mission or to volunteer, donate or join, visit alaforveterans.org or mainelegionpost39.org, or contact Robin Turek, president, at robinturek@gmail.com or 207-696-8289.
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