Many of us have trauma from family-related issues. They are very hard to overcome, but there are ways to cope with the pain and disappointment of disloyalty, neglect and abuse. We can break these ties and cut these cords that bind us to repetitive thoughts and actions.

What is important to remember is that how you feel about something you’ve gone through is never wrong. They are your feelings. No one can alter them or take them away from you. No one has to validate them or change your point of view. You don’t owe your family an explanation of why you feel hurt. You don’t have to feel guilty or ashamed. You can detach from them without remorse.

Professional therapy, spiritual counseling, or immersion in nature are the best resources for these kinds of deep suffering. You are not alone. The facade of a perfect family is just that, an illusion. There are so many options to relieve the pain we hold on to. Cut the cords that keep you tethered to the people that hurt you. Forgive yourself for staying in their manipulative prison. Free yourself from caring about the status quo.

You are the most important thing in your life. Do not let anyone or anything take that from you. You are perfect. You are loved. You are worth it.


Melissa Mountain


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