Michael Vermette’s “Hauling the Skiff,” Sand Beach, Monhegan. Submitted photo
WISCASSET — For its fourth exhibition of the season, the Maine Art Gallery at 15 Warren St. seeks entries on the theme of “Working Maine.”
This show, scheduled to run from July 13 to Aug. 13, will feature artists who have depicted the diverse world of work in the state — from the working waterfront, construction, agriculture and manufacturing, to everyday people going about their daily work.
The artwork can be both literal and metaphorical, including drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, printmaking, collage and assemblage, according to a news release from Christine Hopf-Lovette at the gallery.
The juror for this exhibition is Andre Benoit, a Boothbay artist known for his multidimensional mixed media creations.
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, June 28.
Exhibit sponsors are Camden National Bank and J. Edward Knight Insurance. The season sponsor is Sherri Dunbar of Tim Dunham Realty.
In celebration of the gallery’s 65th anniversary, the current show “Generations” includes art from the founding years, plus an invitational and juried art. The show runs through June 10.
For more information and submission guidelines, visit maineartgallerywiscasset.org.
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