DAMARISCOTTA — Living in Unprecedented Times will be the focus of the Inn Along the Way’s first 2023 summer “Challenging Conversation Circle” taking place at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 25, at the Chapman Farm, 741 Main St. Laurie Worth, MSW/CSW, will be the conversation facilitator.

Disruptions across technology, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), health, wellbeing, and food security, the future of work and education, the environment and climate reached unprecedented heights over the past three years. Thus this is an evolving situation, and the full effect of these unprecedented times remains unclear. Many have been able to navigate these uncertain times with resilience, optimism and creativity. Others have faced dramatic lifestyle changes, the loss of life and economic hardships, according to a news release from Marianne Pinkham with the Challenging Conversations Planning Committee.

Unprecedented times provide an opportunity for reflection. The Inn Along the Way’s Summer 2023 Challenging Conversation series provides community members across all generations an opportunity for self-reflection, exploring concerns and sharing conversations that can lead to change, new opportunities and friendships..

The theme for the IAW’s second summer conversation circle taking place at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 28 will be “Image Shaming and Celebration: Language, Judgment’ Implied and Implicate Bias” How we are viewed in the media, by marketers and caregivers?

For more information, contact Sherry Flint at 207-751-6261 or sherry@innalongtheway.org.


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