The Kennebec River swells beneath the Ticonic Bridge connecting Waterville and Winslow during the flooding in late April. Construction work to replace the deteriorating bridge is intensifying, causing the structure to be closed to vehicles and pedestrians from last Sunday to Saturday morning, Aug. 12. Michael G. Seamans/Morning Sentinel file
WATERVILLE — Drivers beware! That convenient commute across the Ticonic Bridge will not be so handy next week because the structure will be closed to traffic for several days as work crews push forward on a $52.8 million replacement project.
The bridge was closed to vehicles and pedestrians at 7 p.m. Sunday and is expected to reopen at 6 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 12.
The bridge that spans the Kennebec River, connecting Waterville and Winslow, has been closed in recent months for occasional nighttime work, but this will be the first time it will be closed for consecutive days.

Motorists will be directed a few miles south to the Carter Memorial Bridge, while pedestrians are advised to use the Two Cent Bridge at Head of Falls.
Ticonic Bridge traffic diversions will become the norm over the next few years. Construction on the northern side of the bridge will last until spring 2025, when the focus will turn to the southern side, with that work extending into fall 2026, according to officials with the Maine Department of Transportation.
The upcoming closure will allow crews to perform utility upgrades under the roadway, according to Robbin Lanpher, an engineer with MaineDOT. A concrete vault along with a new duct bank will be installed by Pittsfield-based Cianbro Corp.
Large parts of the bridge are more than 100 years old. Once the work is done, the bridge is expected to have a concrete bridge deck and five lanes, with a widened area for bicyclists and sidewalks on both sides.
The work is scheduled to be completed in September 2026.
“We understand that these detours are disruptive,” Lanpher said Thursday. “We want to thank the traveling public for their patience and understanding while we work on this important project.”
Commuters are advised to find alternate routes ahead of time so delays can be avoided.
Traffic updates and information regarding lane closures can be found on the MaineDOT website — www.maine.gov/mdot/projects/waterville/ticonicbridge.
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