As an organization dedicated to advancing education policies that prepare students to be the next generation of productive, engaged citizens, Educate Maine would like to shine a spotlight on the historic investment this legislature made in child care.

Kudos to the exemplar leadership of Senate President Troy Jackson, who is a champion for the needs of child care workers and working parents.

Senate President Jackson sponsored a comprehensive child care reform bill and shepherded it through the legislative policy and funding process.

As a result, beginning in October, the wage increases for child care teachers will now average $400 a monthly. More lower-income working parents will now qualify for child care subsidies to help pay for child care so they can work to support their families. More of our lowest-income children will now qualify for Head Start programs. Child care teachers’ children can qualify for a new child care scholarship program. And Maine will undertake a robust study of the true cost of child care, so future policymakers can make better and more informed decisions about how best to fix the broken child care system.

From the outset, Jackson approached this work in a bipartisan manner, inviting key Republican policymakers Sen. Rick Bennett, chair of the children’s caucus, and Rep. Sawin Millett, a former chair of the children’s caucus, to co-sponsor his bill. Both of these legislators, along with Sen. Peggy Rotundo and House Children’s Caucus Chair Rep. Rebecca Millett, played vital roles in funding Jackson’s bill.

On behalf of Maine businesses who rely on child care for their workers, our thanks goes out to Senate President Jackson and these appropriators. Maine is better off due to your dedication and hard work.

Jason Judd Ed.D.

executive director

Educate Maine

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