MONMOUTH — Macgyver Blundon, a 17-year-old senior at Monmouth Academy, has worked as a lifeguard at Monmouth Beach for the past two summers and noticed how the lifeguard stands were in need of replacement and likely wouldn’t make another season.
In an effort to help his hometown, Blundon, a member of Scout Troop 604, is building two replacement stands for the beach as part of his Eagle Scout project.

Macgyver Blundon, top left, and his father Robert sit in the first of two completed lifeguard stands for Monmouth Beach. Volunteers Billy Remington and Danyka Blundon stand below. Submitted photo
On Aug. 26 Macgyver led a team of eight volunteers in constructing the first of two replacement towers. He has hoped to have everything completed on Saturday, Sept. 2. “I want to thank everyone who has helped so far,” Blundon said, according to a news release from Chuck Mahaleris, district chairman for the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting. This project is the last step on his trail to Eagle Scout before he has his Scoutmaster Conference and his Eagle Scout Board of Review.
The tower was constructed by Scouts and parents at the home of Billy and Samantha Remington in Monmouth. Billy is serving as Blundon’s Eagle Scout project coach, and Samantha is the Scoutmaster of Troop 604 based in Winthrop and serving surrounding towns.
The new stands will be installed before the beach opens next season. Transporting the heavy stands from the Remington home to the beach will be a challenge, but Blundon has stepped up for all the difficulties so far including fundraising, project planning, volunteer recruitment and securing permissions.

Ricky Phillips, a Scout in Troop 604, lives in Winthrop. He was one of eight volunteers who helped Macgyver complete the first of two lifeguard stands on Aug. 26. Submitted photo
Troop 604 Scoutmaster Samantha Remington explained that the Eagle Scout Project is designed to be a challenge for the Scout. The candidate must find a problem or need in the community, plan a solution, and then coordinate everything that needs to be done to make sure that the problem is solved or the need fulfilled.
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