The Books and Stories program at the Franco Center on Wednesday, Sept. 27, featuring author David Vermette has been cancelled. He is unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The program featuring author Paul Dionne at 12 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 4, will still take place.

Dionne, author of “The Priestess and the Pope” and new “Madeleine’s Inquisition” will discuss the basic theme of his books which is that the religious subordination of one sex to the other is wrong. About “Madeleine’s Inquisition,” Dionne writes, “Madeleine Moreau, poverty stricken and alone, struggles to provide for herself and her children, her future bleak, foreboding and empty. She draws strength in her darkest hour when the Monsignor of Paris charges her with witchcraft and threatens to tear her family apart.”

“The Priestess and the Pope” is “a gripping story around the history of women leaders in the early church and the scandal of their subordination in the rise of Christianity. Across eras, readers learn the fate of rebellious churches and women priests as they move through the life and death of Jesus, the fall of the Roman Empire, and the systematic purging of history by the Vatican,” according to Dionne.

The Books and Stories program events are free and open to the public. It is suggested that attendees buy the books ahead of the discussion. The author will be available to sign books after his presentation.

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