FARMINGTON — Franklin County commissioners voted Tuesday to put nearly $2.29 million into the unorganized territory reserve accounts for paving, roads and bridges.

They approved $500,000 for a Paving Reserve Account and nearly $1.79 million for the Roads and Bridges Reserve Account.

They left the legally required $25,000 in undesignated funds.

A draft preliminary spending plan for the unorganized territory budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year is up $355,062.54. The proposed $2.12 million budget, which is scheduled to go to a public hearing Nov. 7, represents about a 21% increase overall from the 2023-24 budget, county Administrator Amy Bernard said.

Commissioners plan to ask the towns that have high increases to attend a meeting to explain why so much more is needed.

Bernard said she did ask Phillips Town Manager Maureen Haley to come to the board to explain the 87% increase for solid waste for Madrid Township. Also, she will be asked to explain a 113% increase for fire protection for Salem Township and 95% increase for fire protection to cover Madrid Township. The information to justify the increase was not available Tuesday.


The county stopped funding Salem Township Volunteer Fire Department last year for several reasons, including not providing training records.

Kingfield, Phillips and Strong fire departments each cover one-third of Salem Township.

The overall fire services budget is up 42% and the overall solid waste budget reflects a 28% increase.

NorthStar EMS ambulance service has also increased by 35%, according to Bernard’s information.

The road budget increase is 25%, which does not factor in gravel, according to Bernard.

A public hearing is set on the proposal at 3:30 p.m. Nov. 7 at the county courthouse. Commissioners plan to meet before that to discuss the increases with representatives from each of the towns that serve the unorganized townships.

Byron added $300,000 from the undesignated fund account to offset the cost of the increase, she said, “but we need to have some conversation with the towns about increases and justifications for 113% increases.”

Commissioners Terry Brann of Wilton, Lance Harvell of Farmington and Bob Carlton of Freeman Township agreed.