Owen and Kyra Darling of Wayne work on Owen’s pumpkin together at the first meeting of the restarted Pack 622. Submitted photo
Families gathered at the Manchester Elementary School for pumpkin painting, singing, a scavenger hunt and games marking the restart of Cub Scout Pack 622 after a three-year absence.

Jet, left, and Jason Black of Manchester attend the first new Cub Scout meeting held at the Manchester Elementary School. Submitted photo
Nationally, the Scouting program suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic as packs and troops shut down to meet federal and state requirements. Locally, officials say that Scouting lost half of its membership during the past few years.
Pack 622, which delivers the Cub Scout program to families in Manchester, Wayne, Mount Vernon, Readfield and Vienna, saw 21 youth attend its signup night at the end of September and held its first pack meeting on Oct. 3, according to a news release from Chuck Mahaleris, district chairman for the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting.
Seth Vincent of Manchester is Cub Master for the restarted pack. “It’s going to be a lot of fun. I am excited to get our Pack up and running. We have a lot of great things coming up including Trunk or Treat, events at Camp Bomazeen and getting each den started,” Vincent said.
Cub Scouting is for boys and girls in kindergarten through fifth grade. The program is all about encouraging boys and girls to make friends, be helpful to others, and do their best no matter the outcome. With the help of powerful learning projects and exciting outdoor activities, Cub Scouting aims to teach children that doing their best can be a fun and rewarding experience, no matter the difficulty of the challenge.
Those interested in finding out more can email Vincent at svincent240@gmail.com.
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