Walter Dale, left, votes Tuesday at Thomas College in Waterville. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel
City Council (At-Large)
Courtney Gary-Allen (incumbent): 2,897 — elected
Christopher Voynik: 1,523
City Council (Ward 1)
Robert Austin: 665 — elected
Marcus Emerson: 448
Board of Education (Ward 2)
Aaron Kregenow: 419
Susan Parks: 627 — elected
Board of Education (Ward 3)
Jane Maguire-Tyce: 490
James Orr: 565 — elected
Town Council (At-Large)
Duane Bickford: 532 — elected
Lawrence MacDonald (incumbent): 397
Matthew Tulley: 471 — elected
Ballot question: Shall the town change its land use ordinance to comply with state requirements for shoreland zoning?
Yes: 420
No: 125
City Council (District 2)
Michael Hawkins: 130
Veronica Babcock: 219 — elected
Maureen AuCoin: 479
George Lapointe (incumbent): 704 — elected
City Council (Ward 2)
Hannah Barry: 74
Michael Frett (incumbent): 121 — elected
Town Council
Robert Nutting (incumbent): 988 — elected
Kevin Quirion: 108
Kelly Roderick: 755
Regional School Unit 18 School Board
Chelsey Oliver: 968 — elected
Charles Stubbert (incumbent): 664
Ballot question: Shall the city change its retirement benefit plan for full-time police officers?
Yes: 821
No: 273
Matthew Shaw Boulerice: 1,209
Michael J. Morris: 1,834 — elected
City Council (Ward 2)
Flavia M. DeBrito (incumbent): 272 — elected
Brian Keith Tibbetts: 155
Town Council (District 1)
Doug Crawley: 92
Peter Drapeau (incumbent): 155
Michael Joseph: 316 — elected
Town Council (District 3)
Frances “Fran” Hudson: 192 — elected
Gary Owen: 112
Jerry Quirion (incumbent): 91
Town Council (District 5)
Joseph “Rocky” Gravel (incumbent): 245
Adam Lint: 288 — elected
School Board (District 5)
Jay McIntire (incumbent): 202
Ashley Powell: 274 — elected
School Board (vote for 2)
Monika McLaughlin: 1,145 — elected
Joseph Pietroski: 976
Timothy Wess (incumbent): 1,122 — elected
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