There are many ways to live this gift called life in this world. We can live care-free, disregarding the inherent dangers and perils all around us. We can live off the generosity of family and ancestors, riding their coattails into the unknown future. We can also live intentionally.

Living intentionally means being aware of the joys and perils in life. Living intentionally means holding onto committed relationships and shedding those life-draining connections. Anyone can be friend or foe. Their behaviors tell the tale beyond their words. I have several friends who have become family. We have maintained our connections and support for more than 40 years. It feels uncomfortable not to call them, visit with them, and rely upon their presence during crises.

Living intentionally requires preparation and forward thinking. Living intentionally has resources and supports in place ahead of the dangers. Living intentionally says pay attention to health and wealth (or its absence), weather and emotional climate, and spiritual strength or challenge. Living intentionally takes work. However, it’s work that pays for itself in the long run. We appreciate life with every breath. The sun rising and setting have a distinct meaning every day. The lifestyle we enjoy in this free nation becomes even more precious and worth defending.

God has allowed us to be born and live at this time in history for a reason. “The meaning of life is to find your gift” (Picasso). Contribute your unique gift to humanity, by living intentionally daily.


James Weathersby


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