National Honor Society students pack canned goods into aluminum roasting pans Friday in The Little Theater at Gardiner Area High School. The group made up 200 turkey baskets that were given out on Monday. Each basket includes a frozen turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, canned vegetables, bread, eggs and boxes of mac and cheese.

A student adds a can of the gravy to a Thanksgiving basket as National Honor Society members pack them Friday in The Little Theater at Gardiner Area High School.

National Honor Society students break down 50-pound bags of potatoes into smaller five-pound ones for Thanksgiving baskets Friday in The Little Theater at Gardiner Area High School.

Gardiner Area High School homerooms recently held a mac and cheese drive. Over 500 collected boxes were added to the traditional Thanksgiving meal ingredients in the baskets seen Friday in The Little Theater at Gardiner Area High School.

National Honor Society members pack canned goods into aluminum roasting pans Friday in The Little Theater at Gardiner Area High School.
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