I’m deeply concerned about the isolation and censure in Congress of Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Her brave, articulate and passionate plea that the United States take leadership to stop the deadly and relentless assault on Gaza civilians speaks for millions of United States citizens and people across the world.

Why is this country not using all of its privilege, influence and power to stop the loss of life of Israeli and Palestinian people? When have the ways of war and power-over ever resolved the challenge of building relationships that make possible our attempts to live together in mutual understanding and respect. Where is our humanity?

We in the United States have needed to reflect on these questions too many times in our short history and have too often failed to reject the use of power and war to serve our purposes and interests. When will we understand that the gift of life is given to each of us with equal promise and that we must work together to build the compassionate community where that life promise can be fulfilled?

Catherine Cyrus

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