Maine-ly Harmony members front from left are Judy Labonte, Jennifer Clair, Betty Avery, Martha Tait, Lynn Izzi, Kathy Joyce, Lea Davis and Barbara Combs; second row from left are Martha Bangs, Peg Dubrow, Candace Pepin, Janet Dunham, LouAnne Mossler, Donna Ryder and Dotti Meyer; and back from left are Lynn Rogers, Danielle Bolouc, BJ Sylvester-Pellett, Cathy Anderson, Nancy Bossie, Sue Staples and Director Kathy Greason. Submitted photo
RANDOLPH — Maine-ly Harmony barbershop chorus’ upcoming holiday performance singing a treasury of songs of the season “Peace on Earth” will be held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 10, at the Randolph United Methodist Church, 16 Asbury St.
Suggested donation for admission is $10, and members will hold raffles to benefit the church’s heating fund.
Light refreshments will be offered and Santa Claus will make an appearance.
Women who love singing harmony are welcome to join the chorus at 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at the Randolph United Methodist Church.
For more information, contact Donna Ryder at 207-582-5523 or dryder076@gmail.com.
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