Daughters of Isabella No. 441 of Notre Dame de Lourdes Church held its installation of officers Sept. 3. In front from left are Jennifer Goff, treasurer; Irene Slyvain, vice regent; Karen Hayden, regent; Brenda Bouford, custodian; and Helen Bilodeau, scribe. Back row from left are Kathy Sites, first auditor; Sandra Taylor, recording secretary; Linda Aguiar, banner bearor; Cynthia Gagnon, financial secretary; Mary Genness, chancellor; Ann Barriault, auditor; and Cynthia Goodine, second auditor. Barbara Welch, past regent, is absent from the photo. Submitted photo
SKOWHEGAN — Daughters of Isabella No. 441 of Notre Dame de Lourdes Church held its installation of officers Sept. 3 for a two-year term.
The ceremony was held at Notre Dame de Lourdes Church Parish Hall.
Diane Turcotte-Culleton was mistress of ceremony, and State Regent Denise Ducharme was installing officer.
The jewels were presented by Helen Bilodeau. Escorts were Knights of Columbus members Larry Taylor and Barry Sites.
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