Eric and Sarah Dyer, at right, and their children Marigny and Warren, at left, gather around the Christmas tree in their circa 1846 home to share what Christmas was like during the Victorian era. Mike LaBerge photo
Eric and Sarah Dyer and their two children were dressed in Victorian attire as they welcomed people into their circa 1846 home on Dec. 9. Seven different groups of 15 gathered in the Dyer’s front parlor over the course of the day, where Eric and Sarah talked about the history of their home and how families used to celebrate a Victorian Christmas.
The Dyers had decorated their home to portray a Victorian Christmas, one of six Readfield Corner village locations included on a Christmas through the Ages tour.

Chris Montagna described life during WWII and an 1945 Christmas. A banner with two blue stars hangs in the window, indicating that two sons were serving in the military. Gold stars would indicate a child had died in the war. Mike LaBerge photo
Other eras and locations represented were a 1700s Moravian Christmas at the Union Meeting House by Henry Whittemore; a Colonial Christmas at the circa 1800 Dr. Samuel & Patience Currier House (Community Library) by Jackie Drouin, Melissa Small and Ellen Bowman; and the 1940s World War II period by Chris Montagna at the circa 1868 home of Doug and Carol Doorenbos, who also hosted a 1950s Christmas at their Iron Fence Inn, according to a news release from Dale Potter Clark, secretary of the Readfield Historical Society.

Jackie Drouin, in character as Mrs. Patience Currier, welcomed guests into the circa 1800 home of Dr. Samuel and Patience Currier. A Colonial Christmas was portrayed in the Currier house, which now houses the Readfield Community Library. Mike LaBerge photo
The final stop was Christmas Today at the circa 1910 home of Rick Wilson, adorned with decorations he has collected from throughout the world. All the hosts dressed in time-appropriate costumes and shared lessons on how people would have celebrated the holiday in those respective times. Each site was complemented with traditional music and offerings of beverages and sweet treats.

Doug and Carol Doorenbos shared a 1950s Christmas, from their Iron Fence Inn on Main Street. Mike LaBerge photo

Henry Whittemore was stationed at the Readfield Union Meeting House, where he described a Moravian Christmas. A Moravian Star can be seen hanging over his head. Mike LaBerge photo
The event was co-sponsored by the Readfield Historical Society and the Readfield Union Meeting House.
Christmas through the Ages was founded by members of the North Anson Historical Society, who passed it on to Kingfield and from there it went to Phillips, Farmington and Winthrop. The Readfield Historical Society agreed to take it on this year and invited the Union Meeting House to join them.
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