Most people carry scars that others can’t see or understand. Invisible scars are those deep hurts that go unseen, yet cause real pain and honest suffering. In my opinion, our suffering is how we arrive at the moment we’re at.

No one asks for overwhelming despair or suffering, yet it comes to visit us so often. “Hope,” what is it? Look and you’ll soon see it, though.

Every generation has experienced days of darkness; we living ones of today have no exclusive on “sorrow.” I know that I could have you crying while I shared all my sorrows, yet here I still am. Here I still smile! It’s not that hard.

Here where I live in Portland, I’ve watched the sun rise over the Back Cove, penetrate the overhead clouds, and transform the water into a sea of small pink and purple waves. I stand mesmerized. Oh, what a precious moment in time. Then, on a dreary, overcast day, when it feels like there will be no tomorrow, I’ll watch that view I thoughtfully captured on my camera on my 43-inch TV. And I will feel it again. It is that one glorious morning I’m suddenly experiencing, not the weather outside my window. And I don’t grow tired of watching it, either. I’ll watch it and my spirit will sing like a bird who has hope in the predawn darkness.

Grab hold of every blessing you can while you can. If you do that simple thing, they will be there for you later on. One survival method I have is forgiveness. My forgiveness is very generous, forgiveness even for this sometimes-evil world that hurt me so much. Forgiving isn’t forgetting, despite what they say. Forgiving is remembering pain and suffering with genuine kindness and love. Forgiveness eases pain, too.

I write to share my thoughts during the Christmas season. I try to smile a whole lot. It helps me whenever I’m friendly, even as I’m cautious with people. I smile because one simple smile can make someone’s whole day better. That person might only be myself. But hey, what’s the harm in that?

When you simply smile at people, some smiles might even come right back to you. And if a person smiles back at you, well, you might as well throw in a few encouraging words while you’re both at it. They say a stranger is a friend or acquaintance you have just not met yet. No one forces down our eyes – we do that ourselves.

Oh, if only I could shine light on those who sit in dreary darkness. Giving that gift isn’t even giving away much either, it’s getting, I’ve found, because it helps me to endure. If I can still have faith in this world, I’m guessing that anybody still can.

Thank you for taking the time to read these few words of hope. May a form of peace find every living person eventually. I’ll end with a decent Will Rogers quote: “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.”