DAMARISCOTTA — Skidompha Library and Leigh Anne Keichline have planned free discussions of some of King’s works at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 11, at the 184 Main St. library, and at 6 p.m. Monday, Jan. 22, on Zoom, according to a news release from Meghan Hawkes at the library.

These facilitated discussions will focus on a few lesser-known speeches and writings of King and will be led by Keichline, an educator trained in racial equity and diversity work. Readings, audio and video will all be short and available for free on the internet or through the library. Participants will need to watch, listen or read in advance before the sessions.

Registration is required and participants are welcome to join for either or both of the sessions.

To register, email paperandshells@gmail.com and write “January MLK discussions” in the subject line.

For questions or for more information, contact the library at info@skidompha.org or 207-887-0919.


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