1 p.m.
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee; public hearing; room 214; Cross Building
L.D. 1391, “Resolve, To Provide a Pesticide Spraying Notification Process”: directs the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to establish a publicly accessible website that allows a person to place that person’s name on a registry of those who wish to be notified of pesticides application by aircraft or air-carrier equipment in a given county.
Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee; public hearings; room 211; Cross Building
L.D. 827, “An Act To Increase Access to Natural Gas”: requires a gas utility that is authorized to supply gas in a geographic area but is not serving customers and will not guarantee to serve those customers to allow another gas utility to interconnect to its existing pipes and requires the gas utility to provide wholesale service to that interconnecting gas utility for the purpose of serving customers in that area.
L.D. 1013, “An Act To Create the Children’s Wireless Protection Act”: provides that a retailer may not sell at a cellphone unless the phone and its packaging bear a warning label relating to the potential health effects associated with nonthermal effects of cellular telephone radiation.
L.D. 1251, “An Act To Lower Costs to Municipalities and Reduce Energy Consumption through Increased Competition in the Municipal Street Light Market”: requires electricity transmission and distribution utilities to provide three options for municipal street lighting programs: the utility-provided services option; the municipally owned, utility-installed option and the municipally owned, installed and maintained option.
L.D. 1442, “An Act To Establish a Pilot Natural Gas Utility District in Maine”: emergency bill, establishes the Kennebec Valley Gas District and requires the Public Utilities Commission to study and make recommendations regarding the need for further enactment of legislation to facilitate or promote the purposes of the establishment of municipal natural gas utility districts in the state.
Environment and Natural Resources Committee; public hearings; room 216; Cross Building
L.D. 1308, “An Act To Establish a Stewardship Program for Architectural Paint”: establishes a product stewardship program for architectural paints sold in the state where consumers are able to return their unused architectural paint.
L.D. 1335, “An Act To Implement Recommendations of the Department of Environmental Protection Concerning Product Stewardship in Maine”: establishes a framework for the implementation of product stewardship programs and repeals the requirement that retailers that sell cellular telephones accept used cellular telephones from any person.
Insurance and Financial Services Committee; work sessions; room 220; Cross Building
L.D. 547, “An Act To Ensure the Accountability of Taxpayer Funds and State Collaboration, Planning and Oversight in the Implementation and Operation of a Health Exchange in Maine”: clarifies that the provisions relating to navigators apply only to any state-based health exchange; allows an insurance company authorized to do business in Vermont to offer individual health insurance for sale in this state; establishes the Maine Health Exchange Advisory Board to advise the Federal Government, the governor, the Legislature, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, Bureau of Insurance on the implementation and operation of a health exchange in this state.
L.D. 1094, “An Act To Fully Implement Health Insurance Exchanges and To Make Maine Law Consistent with Federal Law”: establishes the Maine Health Exchange Advisory Board to advise the Federal Government, governor and Legislature on the implementation and operation of a health exchange; suspends the authority of the Maine Guaranteed Access Reinsurance Association from Jan. 1, 2014 until Dec. 31, 2016; expands medical coverage under the MaineCare program to adults with family incomes up to 133 percent of the nonfarm income official poverty line and qualifies Maine to receive federal funding for 100 percent of the cost of coverage for members who enroll under the expansion.
Judiciary Committee; public hearings; room 438; State House
L.D. 309, “Resolve, Directing the Attorney General To Implement a Child Identity Protection Program To Safeguard the Personal Information of Minors and Prevent Identity Theft”: directs the Attorney General to implement a child identity protection program to safeguard the personal information of minors and prevent identity theft.
L.D. 313, “An Act To Create the Maine Online Privacy Protection Act”: emergency bill, requires a publicly accessible website or online service that collects personal information from an individual consumer to post a privacy statement in a conspicuous location on its website.
L.D. 913, “An Act To Promote Excursion Passes by Amending the Law Governing Expiration Dates on Gift Obligations and Stored-value Cards Redeemable with Multiple Sellers”: emergency bill, exempt gift obligations and stored-value cards that are redeemable with multiple unaffiliated sellers from the provision that prohibits expiration dates for gift obligations and stored-value cards.
L.D. 1038, “An Act To Make the State’s Uniform Commercial Code Compatible with the Federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act”: emergency bill, makes the Uniform Commercial Code, which establishes uniformity of business transactions across all the states, applicable to the remittance transfers that are not electronic funds transfers under the federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act.
L.D. 1194, “An Act To Protect Social Media Privacy in School and the Workplace”: prohibits an employer or educational institution, whether public or private, from requiring or requesting an employee or a student, or a prospective employee or student, to disclose the username or account password for a personal social media account or e-mail account.
L.D. 1377, “An Act To Protect Cellular Telephone Privacy”: prohibits a government entity from obtaining information concerning the identities of parties to a communication, the date and time of the communication or the existence, substance, purport or meaning of the communication conveyed using a cellular telephone or other electronic device without a valid warrant.
L.D. 1384, “An Act To Amend Article 9-A of the Uniform Commercial Code”: emergency bill, enacts the 2010 amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code.
Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee; public hearings; room 208; Cross Building
L.D. 1295, “An Act To Require the Use of Preapproved Subcontractors for Publicly Funded Construction Projects”: requires the use of preapproved subcontractors for certain components of work included in bids awarded to general contractors for public improvement construction projects subject to competitive bidding.
L.D. 1352, “An Act To Provide Integrated Community-based Employment and Customized Employment for Persons with Disabilities”: requires the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Labor to coordinate with each other regarding persons with disabilities and employment and establishes the Employment First Maine Coalition within the Disability Rights Center, which is the protection and advocacy agency for persons with disabilities.
L.D. 1390, “An Act Regarding the Cancellation of Subscription Services”: requires a person that provides subscription goods or services to provide to a subscriber information regarding how the subscriber may cancel the subscription; a secure, prominently displayed and easy-to-use method on the person’s website that allows the subscriber to cancel the subscription immediately.
1:00 p.m.
Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee; public hearings; room 208; Cross Building
L.D. 1198, “An Act To Protect Earned Pay”: removes the disqualifications of a a person who receives or is scheduled to receive remuneration in the form of vacation pay in excess of 4 weeks’ wages or holiday pay.
L.D. 1420, “An Act To Return to Building Code Requirements in Effect Prior to the Adoption of the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code”: repeals the laws establishing the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code and fixes inconsistencies created by the the de-establishment of the code; and re-establishes the Maine Model Building Code.
L.D. 1436, “An Act To Avoid Conflicts of Interest in State Government Labor Relations”: prohibits a bargaining agent from representing a bargaining unit composed entirely of supervisors employed by the state and a bargaining unit that contains state employees supervised by members of the supervisor bargaining unit.
L.D. 1437, “An Act To Amend the Laws Regarding Licensure of Physicians and Physician Assistants”: provides that physician assistants have the same duty as physicians to report acts of a physician amounting to gross or repeated infractions and that recovery is not allowed against a physician assistant on the grounds that treatment was rendered without the informed consent of the patient; and allows the board to specify individuals other than physicians for the purpose of conducting examinations of physicians and physician assistants to determine whether a physician or physician assistant is mentally and physically competent and to issue special licenses in addition to a special license for the practice of administrative medicine.
1:30 p.m.
Health and Human Services Committee; work sessions; room 209; Cross Building
L.D. 1047, “Resolve, To Provide a Better Transition for Foster Children to Independent Adulthood”:
L.D. 1244, “An Act To Require Child Protective Services To Screen Parents of Newborn Infants”:
L.D. 1294, “An Act To Increase the Penalty for Smoking in a Motor Vehicle When a Child Is Present”:
L.D. 1334, “An Act To Create Child Advocacy Centers in Maine”:
2 p.m.
Insurance and Financial Services Committee; public hearings; room 220; Cross Building
L.D. 1037, “An Act To Provide Access to Affordable Health Care for All Maine Residents by 2020”: provides access to a baseline of affordable health care for all Maine residents by 2020 through subsidies, expansion of government programs, reforms in the insurance laws or other measures.
L.D. 1345, “An Act To Establish a Single-payor Health Care System To Be Effective in 2017”: establishes the Maine Health Benefit Marketplace as the State’s health benefit exchange; establishes the Maine Health Care Plan to provide security through high-quality, affordable health care for the people of the state; establishes the Maine Health Care Plan Transition Advisory Committee charged with holding public hearings, soliciting public comments and advising the Maine Health Care Agency on the transition from the current health care system to the Maine Health Care Plan; prohibits the sale on the commercial market of health insurance policies and contracts that duplicate the coverage provided by the Maine Health Care Plan; and directs the Maine Health Care Agency to submit two financing plans to the Legislature by Jan. 15, 2016.
2:30 p.m.
Environment and Natural Resources Committee; work sessions; room 216; Cross Building
L.D. 907, “An Act To Encourage Recycling”:
L.D. 1135, “An Act To Provide Consistency in the Regulation of Motorized Recreational Gold Prospecting”:
L.D. 1292, “An Act To Minimize the Use of Plastic Bags”:
L.D. 1323, “An Act Regarding Wind Power Siting in the Unorganized Territory”:
L.D. 1363, “An Act To Ensure Landfill Capacity and Promote Recycling”:
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