An article in a recent edition of Reader’s Digest is something all people who own a smartphone should know. It could easily save your life. Let your area EMT and police know about this app.

For iPhone users, the article states, “Locate built-in Health app; it’s the app with the pink heart on a white background. Tap Medical ID, then tap Create Medical ID and fill in your information. If you have no allergies and take no medications enter ‘none known’ so first responders won’t wonder whether you skipped the question. Then tap Done.”

For Android users, “Some phones may come with their own Medical ID feature; check user manual. If yours doesn’t, download the free Medical ID app. It’s icon has a bright red star on a white background. Open the app and you will see a profile for ‘John Doe’ … Tap edit and answer each question. When you’re done, tap the check mark.”

All readers should forward this very useful information that allows medical personal to locate your important health and contact information in an emergency.

Debbie Sherman


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