Brett Kavanaugh has been the focus of not just media attention, but the hate of those that disagree with his nomination over the past weeks. During the confirmation process, it was evident that the opposing side would stop at nothing to hinder his appointment to the Supreme Court. It became clear that finding the truth would not be a simple or easy task, and we saw the people of our country divided on the situation.

I want to thank Sen. Susan Collins for her hard work and determination. Seeing through political attacks, she was able to determine what needed to be done — follow the rule of law. Our rights as American citizens to be presumed innocent in the absence of any concrete evidence or corroboration must never be ignored.

Kavanaugh has proven himself more than eligible for the high court, but those on the opposing political side attacked not only this man’s work, but his personal life. Collins saw this attack as what it was — nothing more than a personal slander to a man that has an exemplary record. The courage necessary to make this decision despite overwhelming public disapproval shows the residents of Maine that they are represented by someone that has stayed away from messy politics.

Thank you, Sen. Collins, for the bravery you showed in confirming Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Rep. Deb Sanderson


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