Good grief. Any voter in Bowdoinham, Bowdoin and Richmond knows that neither of our legislative candidates want our policemen and first responders to be stuck with hypodermic needles. I can’t imagine what is being dragged up to suggest otherwise, and I don’t feel like checking, as the flyer I received against Seth Berry’s campaign on Oct. 16 would urge me to do. And this isn’t the first time this ugliness has reared its head in this campaign.

There are so many legitimate topics for debate. The voters of our towns would do well to hear where Berry and his opponent Guy Lebida differ on the public policies that matter. I’m voting for Berry because I’ve seen firsthand the work he has done for our communities. And Seth doesn’t participate in this kind of dirty politicking, which doesn’t belong in Maine.

Friend and neighbors, join me in voting for Seth Berry.

Ellen Baum


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