I taught for 25 years before retiring. For thousands of teachers who are struggling to care for loved ones, and for our students’ parents who are stuck caring for both their children and their parents, I am voting yes on Question 1.

As a candidate for the Legislature, I know that Augusta has made some incremental changes like increasing the reimbursement rates for home health care workers paid through the MaineCare program. But in the oldest state, we cannot afford to tinker around the margins of our care system. We need a big change. A vote for Question 1 is a way for Mainers to deal with a challenge bigger than the Legislature is prepared to handle.

Question 1 also makes our tax system fairer, by having those making more than $128,400 a year in individual income pay more of their fair share. I know a lot of teachers, none of whom make that much.

The Maine Education Association, representing more than 24,000 public school educators, has endorsed Question 1 because so many of us have seen the importance of caregiving in our lives. Please join me and my fellow Maine teachers in voting yes on Question 1.

Cynthia Soma-Hernandez

North Anson

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