The Augusta Police Department would like to remind residents, visitors, property owners and contractors that there are ordinances and state laws that guide and govern plowing of snow and snow removal in the City of Augusta, according to a news release from Deputy Chief Kevin D. Lully.
• You are not permitted to plow, snow-blow, or shovel snow across a public ways (and/or) sidewalks.
• You also are not permitted to remove snow from your property and deposit it on the property of another without the property owner’s consent.
These ordinances and laws are there to help protect pedestrian and motorists from unsafe situations created when snow is either plowed, snow-blown, or shoveled across a public ways (and/or) sidewalks.
The police department works with city’s department of public works, and other city services to minimize risk by actively enforcing these laws and ordinances. The department asks that everyone work together as good stewards and good neighbors as we enter this snow latent season.
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Download the free “Tip411, Augusta Maine Police” app online, and continue to send us helpful anonymous tips.
For more information, contact Lully at the Augusta Police Department, 33 Union St., 626-2370, ext. 3416, or
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