Thank you for the newspaper’s coverage of the Bread of Life Ministries’ recent ground-breaking ceremony at the shelter on Hospital Drive (“Augusta homeless shelters break ground for expansion,” Nov. 13). The expansion will help additional homeless individuals and families and connect to the resources that can help transform lives.

The shelter provides temporary housing and a structured program in which people work with an onsite case manager throughout the week. Individuals work toward goals such as permanent housing, education, employment and addressing the underlying reasons for their homelessness. Bread of Life programs are incredibly effective in helping approximately 90 percent of those served transition to apartments, jobs, and become contributing members of the community.

The ground-breaking ceremony occurred indoors away from the elements of the day. Outdoors, it was pouring rain, cold and raw — overall a very unpleasant day to be outside. The shovels were ready to dig, but none of the invited guests were eager to brave the elements to shift away from the shelter of the indoor ceremony.

During the ceremony, the Father Frank Morin read a poem entitled, “Prayer for Homeless People.” One line asked for prayers for those sleeping under bridges, on park benches, and in doorways or bus stations. When I left the ceremony, I thought about what a homeless person or family might experience on a rainy, cold or snowy day.

Last week, I heard a story about a person who was losing their home and was looking for an outdoor shed to live in, as well as someone sleeping under a park bench. This reminded me of the need in the greater Augusta area for shelter that can make a difference in someone’s life. Gifts to Bread of Life Ministries can make a difference in their efforts to finish the shelter expansion project. No gift is too small. For further information call 626-3434 or visit

Suzanne Beyea


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