Climate change is serious but must not trump other impacts from Central Maine Power’s plan to build a transmission line through the western Maine mountains (“Our View: Hydro-Quebec answers key climate question,” Dec. 9).

CMP has not accepted all measures to mitigate impacts on the environment, natural resources and scenic views. Maine’s iconic brand, the brook trout, will be harmed. Do the brook trout matter? Out-of-state visitors state they do not come to Maine to hike, snowmobile and view transmission lines. Does the tourism economy matter? The transmission line will destroy 2,200 acres of forest that removes many metric tons of carbon dioxide annually and produces enough oxygen for 40,000 people to breath each year. Do the trees matter? Does the oxygen matter? Hydro-Quebec states they will build additional capacity to meet the demand. Can we trust only Hydro-Quebec’s statement? Does the destruction of thousands of acres of forest in Quebec matter?

Supporters that claim climate change should matter most represent towns that will benefit from increased property taxes. Economic data in public view comes from CMP. Ask the fox why he is in the chicken coup and he will say it is to protect the chickens.

This decision must be based on all relevant impacts that are objective, transparent and reliable.

John Nicholas


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