In today’s world of caustic politics, bloated egos, and incessant finger-pointing, I am driven to praise Darek Grant for his letter to the editor (“Proud to call Augusta home,” Nov. 30). I found it refreshing and reassuring that some individuals (particularly politicians) do have the best interest of society in mind.

Despite the fact that I do not live in Augusta, I taught there for 41 years, and I feel that Darek is both positive and passionate regarding his love and respect for the city he has served for nine years. He is thankful for the opportunity, and unlike most politicians, feels indebted to the community. His farewell letter eloquently defines this.

Darek’s words capture the joy and pride he experienced as city councilor for Ward 2. It was filled with positivity, and moved me to write this letter. I am so sick and tired of our political scene right now, and I believe that if more people like Darek were to be involved, our world would be a better place. He praises his constituency and the city of Augusta, all the while keeping a humble and respectful tone.

There’s little doubt in my mind that he feels honored to have served, feels fulfilled for helping his community, and truly wants Kevin Judkins (who will serve Ward 2 next term) to experience the joys of the job that he did.

I found his message uplifting, in sharp contrast to most everything happening in today’s political scene. It’s a feeling, I haven’t felt in many years. I am sick and tired of the three-ring circus that is our government right now, but Darek’s letter created a glimmer of hope, and I thank him for that.

Thomas Wells


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