We all need to understand that some of our health problems are caused by the chemicals that are being put on a lot of the food that is grown by farmers all over the world.

Many farmers put glyphosate on the plants to kill the weeds so that they do not need to use other more costly methods.  Many farmers use a chemical pesticide to kill the bugs that try to eat the plants as they grow.

Now a lot of the food we eat is likely to have some unhealthy chemicals in it. I have seen film footage of airplanes flying over large fields spraying chemicals on land where food is growing. These poisons are also killing bees that pollinate blueberries and others food.

Our federal agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, are not restricting these poisons from being used in the United States. Why not?

Many farmers, including many in Maine, do not use these poisons on the food they grow. We should support these farmers and buy produce from them, so Maine will be better off physically and economically.

We the people have to try to educate ourselves and others to avoid eating tainted food that is bad for our health.


Good health for all is more important than corporate profits.


Elery Keene


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