In the United States of America in the year 2019 we have a detention center for children made up of tents. It lies on the edge of a swamp in the path of hurricanes. This for-profit child detention center houses 2,200 traumatized children who were separated from their families for the sin of fleeing violence. Its numbers will double before month’s end.

Monday, April 8, national law was broken when three congresswomen were denied entry into the for-profit Homestead Child Detention Camp. What are they hiding?

As leaders of a local grassroots organization, Central Mainers For Change, we decided it is time to shed light on this humanitarian crisis. We urge you to call our elected officials in Washington. Ask them where they stand on this issue. Then demand they go to the detention center so they can see for themselves what is happening there. Hopefully they won’t remain so silent.

Also, demand our representatives to support the legislation brought forth by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) and U.S. Rep. Judy Chu (D-California). This legislation, entitled The Shut Down Child Prison Camps Act- S 397 (Senate) and HR 7360 (House), demands our government shut down unregulated child prison camps for immigrant children, like the one in Homestead, Florida.

We are Americans. As Americans, we know we are better than taking children from their families and putting them in cages and tents.


Mary Dunn and Stryker Adams

Central Mainers For Change
