9 a.m.
State and Local Government Committee; public hearings; room 214; Cross Building
L.D. 155 “An Act To Restructure the Licensing and Regulation of Boilers and Pressure Vessels and Elevators and Tramways” This emergency bill allows a code enforcement officer to grant all permits to build a disability ramp, including any structure that requires a variance.
L.D. 340 “Resolve, Authorizing the Sale of Certain Property in Augusta to Motivational Services, Inc.” Gives the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services authority to sell Motivational Services Inc. building located at 6 and 10 Arsenal Heights Drive on the east campus of the Augusta Mental Health Institute.
L.D. 357 “An Act To Amend the Charter of the Augusta Parking District” Repeals the provision requiring the dissolution of conveyance of assets to the City of Augusta upon payment of all bonds issued to the district.
10 a.m.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee; public hearings; room 436; State House
L.D. 140 “An Act To Create a Permanent Wabanaki Law Enforcement Seat on the Board of Trustees of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy” Provides a seat on the Board of Trustees of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy for a representative of the five Wabanaki tribal governments.
L.D. 238 “An Act To Designate the Jail in Franklin County as a Jail Rather than a Holding Facility” Specifies the Franklin County Detention Center as a jail and not a holding facility.
L.D. 298 “An Act Regarding the Membership of the Emergency Medical Services Board” Adds a representative of fire chiefs to the Emergency Services Board and clarifies that 6 members are the quorum of the board.
L.D. 354 “An Act To Amend the County Jail Inspection Requirement for Nationally Accredited Facilities” Allows the commissioner of corrections to dispense with comprehensive inspections of county detention facilities if they are nationally accredited.
Education and Cultural Affairs Committee; work session; room 202; Cross Building
L.D. 92 “An Act Relating to Private School Student Participation in Public School Cocurricular, Interscholastic and Extracurricular Activities” Eliminates the requirement that resources and services are available to students in private schools recognized by the Department of Education by limiting the public school principal or his designee in denying participation to situations where the school can’t reasonably accommodate the student.
Taxation Committee; public hearings; room 127; State House
L.D. 318 “An Act To Establish a Sales Tax Holiday for Purchases Made during the Month of January” This bill provides a sales tax holiday during the month of January for items of tangible personal property with a price of $1,000 or less.
L.D. 400 “An Act To Amend the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law” Requires that landowners applying for classification of land under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law must have the harvesting of trees performed by residents of the state and the products from the land processed in the state.
L.D. 402 “An Act To Exempt Members of the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians from Property Tax” This bill provides that the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians and members of the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians are exempt from property taxes in the State.
L.D. 492 “An Act To Increase Reimbursement to Municipalities under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law” This bill proposes to increase reimbursement to municipalities for property tax losses resulting from the current use classification of land under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law.
Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee; public hearings; room 437; State House
L.D. 169 “An Act To Provide Revenue to Veterans’ Organizations and the Maine
Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery System Care Fund from Table Game Revenue” This emergency bill directs 2 percent of the net table game income at a casino to the Coordinated Veterans Assistance Grant Fund which give grants to assist veterans’ service organizations.
L.D. 213 “An Act To Provide Funding for Transportation of Veterans to Medical Facilities” Gives $30,000 to the operating costs of the Disabled American Veterans transportation network.
L.D. 241 “An Act To Amend Certain Laws Governing the Bureau of Maine Veterans’ Services” Requires that to be eligible for educational benefits a student must apply for a federal Pell Grant; decreases the period of time that a certificate of release or discharge from active duty that is filed with a state, county or local government is kept confidential to 62 years.
L.D. 242 “An Act To Improve the Military Bureau Laws” Specifies the adjutant general may execute cooperative agreements necessary to operate the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management, provides the director of the Maine Emergency Management Agency is appointed by the governor upon the recommendation of the commissioner, renames the State Area Command as the Joint Force Headquarters, authorizes the transfer of unreserved retained earning of $10,000 annually to each of the three accounts, specifies that the level of punishment may be imposed by a colonel in the chain of command of the individual being punished and a person subject to the Maine Code of Military Justice who commits an offense under the Maine Criminal Code’s chapter on sexual assault is also guilty of violating the Maine Code of Military Justice.
L.D. 344 “An Act To Amend the Licensing Requirements for Beano Halls Leased by Veterans’ Organizations” If a veterans’ organization is licensed to conduct beano and wishes to lease its facility to another beano licensed organization, this bill removes the requirement the veterans’ organization get a beano hall permit.
1 p.m.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee; work sessions; room 436; State House
L.D. 40 “An Act To Protect a Private Memorial Placed in a Public Right-of-way” Prohibits the destruction of a private memorial in a public right of way that marks the site of a grave.
L.D. 59 “An Act Relating to the Unlawful Cutting of Trees” Requires repeat offenders of unlawfully cutting trees to obtain a bond and seek approval from the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry before being able to harvest trees again. It also makes knowingly and unlawfully cutting trees a class D misdemeanor.
L.D. 76 “An Act To Provide Funding to the State Board of Corrections for Certain County Jail Debt” Gives the state board of corrections $9.1 million for the next two years to pay past and future county jail debts.
Educational and Cultural Affairs Committee; public hearings; room 202; Cross Building
L.D. 34 “An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Government Oversight Committee and the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability Regarding Child Development Services” Requires the director of Early Childhood Special Education to report annually by Feb. 15 to the Joint Standing Committee of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the committee dealing with appropriations and financial affairs. The report must be accessible on a public website and must include the financials, the services provided, office resources, statistics and analysis of their performance, description of how they coordinate with other entities and current trends and challenges. Also requires publishing or reporting a monthly budget.
L.D. 323 “Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 101: Maine Unified Special Education Regulation Birth to Age Twenty, a Major Substantive Rule of the Department of Education” This emergency bill reviews the rules that govern the administration of the chid find system for children up to age 20.
State and Local Government Committee; public hearings; room 214; Cross Building
L.D. 211 “An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Limitation on County Assessments” Changes the definition of “property growth factor” to use state valuation data.
L.D. 315 “An Act To Ban the Purchase of Bottled Water by State Agencies” Prohibits the state or any political subdivision, governmental agency or public benefit corporation of the state from purchasing bottled water.
L.D. 397 “An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Development and Administration of Municipal Budgets in Unorganized Territories” Changes the counties’ annual deadlines for submitting to state officials their unorganized territory municipal cost component budget review to Feb. 1, separates the review of the budget from its general fund budget review and eliminates the role of the county budget committee in approving an excess or increase in the county growth limitation factor.
Taxation Committee; public hearings; room 127; State House
L.D. 278 “An Act To Provide Greater Access to Capital for Certain Businesses Through Advance Payment of Employment Tax Increment Financing Benefits” This bill allows the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development, under extraordinary circumstances, to provide advance payments of employment tax increment financing benefits to a qualified business; advance payments must be made in the form of a loan through the Maine Rural Development Authority.
L.D. 358 “An Act To Protect Family Farms and Working Waterfront Subject to Estate Tax and Reduce the Maine Estate Tax Exclusion” Reduces the Maine exclusion amount for the estate tax to $1 million for estates of decedents who die on or after Jan. 1, 2014. Reduces the amount of tax attributable to farmland and working waterfront.
L.D. 361 “An Act To Promote Plug-in Electric Vehicle Sales” This bill creates an income tax credit for the purchase of a qualified plug-in electric vehicle that is equal to the excise tax paid, up to $1,000.
L.D. 412 “An Act To Expand Employment Tax Increment Financing To Support Job Creation” This bill expands the employment tax increment financing program to include for-profit businesses that add at least 2 new qualified employees within a one-year period.
Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee; public hearings; room 437; State House
L.D. 151 “An Act To Allow 2 Eligible Organizations To Jointly Hold a Game of Beano or Bingo” This bill allows two organizations licensed to operate or conduct a game of beano or bingo to jointly operate that game on the same premises on the same date.
L.D. 185 “An Act To Increase the Discount Rate on Alcoholic Beverages Sold by Agency Liquor Stores” Changes the discount price of spirits and fortified wine sold by agency liquor stores to between 10 and 15 percent.
L.D. 329 “An Act To Reduce the Licensing Fee for Certain Tournament Games” Reduces the license fees for tournament games under 100 players and eliminates the ability of an licensed organization to hold a tournament to charge a play an addition to the entry fee.
1 p.m.
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee; public hearings; room 214; Cross Building
L.D. 271 “An Act To Facilitate the Processing of Livestock That Is Not for Resale” Removes the laws and licensing requirement for meat processors and slaughterhouses where the meat is used for the owner, their household and their nonpaying guests.
L.D. 282 “An Act To Eliminate the Commercial Standard for Maine White-cedar Shingles” Eliminates the commercial standard for Maine white-cedar shingles.
L.D. 283 “An Act To Eliminate the Elm Tree Restoration Fund” Eliminates the Elm Tree Restoration Fund.
L.D. 284 “An Act To Amend the Duties of the Division of Forestry” Requires the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Forestry Division to conduct landowners relations program, removes the requirement that the department print biennially copies of forestry-related law.
L.D. 285 “An Act To Electronically Issue Permits for Burning” Directs the director of the Division of Forestry in the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to develop a way to issue burning permits electronically on a public website and how the department will collect their fees for permits issued electronically.
L.D. 290 “An Act To Eliminate the Forest Certification Incentive Cost-share Fund” This bill eliminates the Forest Certification Incentive Cost-share Fund.
Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee; work sessions; room 211; Cross Building
L.D. 114 “An Act To Amend the Charter of the Portland Water District” Requires the Portland Water District to charge the same rate for use of water to its customers that reside in Standish as other towns.
L.D. 179 “An Act To Amend the Anson and Madison Water District Charter” Makes the end date for terms of the trustees of the Anson and Madison Water Districts the dates of the respective annual town meetings. No longer requires the water district to submit legislation to repeal their charters upon their dissolution.
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee; work sessions; room 206; Cross Building
L.D. 63 “Resolve, To Direct the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife To Allow Veterans with Lower Limb Loss To Obtain “Any-deer” Hunting Permits” Directs the commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to issue an any-deer hunting permit to veterans who have lost all or part of one or more lower limbs for the districts that have any-deer hunting permit allocations.
L.D. 79 “An Act To Allow a Junior Hunter To Shoot Any Deer on Opening Day of Hunting Season” Allows a person with a junior hunting license to take does and bucks with a firearm or bow and arrow on opening day of regular deer hunting season.
L.D. 98 “Resolve, Directing the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife To Study Issues Related to Bear Hunting and Management” Requires the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to study bear hunting and the management of the bear populating and report to the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife by Jan. 15.
L.D. 99 “An Act To Allow Hunting for Deer with a Crossbow during the Expanded Archery Season” Allows a person to hunt with a crossbow during an expanded archery deer hunting season.
L.D. 101 “An Act To Allow a Junior Hunter To Take One Antlerless Deer without an Antlerless Deer Permit” Allows valid junior hunting license holders to take one antlerless deer without a permit. In later years that person must obtain an antlerless deer permit.
Judiciary Committee; public hearings; room 438; State House
L.D. 208 “An Act To Amend the Charter of St. Mark’s Home for Women in Augusta” Amends the charter of St. Mark’s Home for Women in Augusta by changing the name of the home to St. Mark’s Home.
L.D. 224 “An Act To Streamline the Change of Name Process for Persons Getting Married” Allows a person who is getting married to change that person’s name by indicating the new name on the application for recording notice of intent to marry, which becomes effective upon the completion of the marriage license.
L.D. 236 “An Act To Protect the Privacy of Citizens from Domestic Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Use” For the permitted operation of an unmanned aerial vehicle, the bill requires the consent of the subject person, a warrant or court order, an emergency situation that threatens life or serious bodily injury or an emergency enforcement situation that threatens national security or evinces conspiratorial criminal conduct requiring immediate operation of the vehicle before a warrant can be obtained.
L.D. 310 “An Act To Exempt Persons 70 Years of Age and Older from Jury Duty at Their Discretion” This bill excuses from jury service a person 70 years of age or older who does not wish to serve on a jury.
L.D. 321 “Resolve, Directing the Probate and Trust Law Advisory Commission To Review Maine’s Probate Code and the Uniform Probate Code” This resolve directs the Probate and Trust Law Advisory Commission to conduct a review of the current probate code and the latest version of the Uniform Probate Code adopted by the Uniform Law Commission and report legislative recommendations by Dec. 1.
L.D. 375 “An Act To Require the State To Enforce Spousal Support Obligations in the Same Manner as Child Support Obligations” This bill directs the Department of Health and Human Services to use the remedies currently available for the collection and enforcement of child support to collect spousal support even when the recipient of the spousal support is not owed any child support.
Transportation Committee; work sessions; room 126; State House
L.D. 57 “An Act To Exempt Occupants of Antique Autos from Seat Belt Requirements” Exempts the driver of passengers of an antique auto form having to wear seat belts.
L.D. 109 “An Act To Exempt All Vehicles Delivering Home Heating Fuel, Including Wood Pellets, from Weight Limits” Clarifies that vehicles delivering home heating fuel include those delivering firewood, wood pellets, propane and fuel oil.
L.D. 127 “An Act To Amend the Definition of ‘Public Way’ To Include Streets and Highways Owned by Quasi-municipal Corporations or Districts” Includes ways owned by a quasi-municipal corporation or district in the definition of a public way.
1:30 p.m.
Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee; public hearings; room 211; Cross Building
L.D. 196 “An Act Regarding the Implementation of the Quality Assurance Program for Public Safety Answering Points” Directs the Public Utilities Commission’s Emergency Services Communications Bureau to implement the public safety answering point quality assurance program through use of third-party vendors.
L.D. 275 “Resolve, To Require the Emergency Services Communication Bureau To Expand the Existing Quality Assurance System” Directs the Public Utilities Commission’s Emergency Services Communications Bureau to expand its quality assurance system to include fire and police call processing and dispatching, expand its emergency medical dispatch structured protocol system to include equivalent fire and police protocols.
L.D. 372 “An Act To Transfer the Responsibilities of the Department of Public Safety, Maine Communications System Policy Board to the Bureau of Consolidated Emergency Communications” Transfers the powers and duties of the Department of Public Safety’s Maine Communications System Policy Board to the Bureau of Consolidated Emergency Communications.
Health and Human Services Committee; work sessions; room 209; Cross Building
L.D. 123 “An Act To Ensure Proper Anatomical Recovery of Human Bodies and Body Parts” Requires that people or entities that perform anatomical recovery register as such, punishes for those who do not and requires records of receipt, use, processing, transplantation, transfer and disposal of human bodies and body parts be kept.
L.D. 180 “An Act Concerning the Use of Tobacco Settlement Funds for Children’s Health Care” Requires that the Fund for a Healthy Maine funding for children’s health care not be reduced in order to address a budget deficit.
L.D. 181 “Resolve, To Require Hospitals To Provide Information Regarding Testing for Krabbe Disease for Parents of Infants” Requires the Department of Health and Human Services and Maine Centers for Disease Control develop a pamphlet on testing for Krabbe disease for distribution by a hospital to all parents of newborn infants or to parent of any child 6 months old currently being treated by Dec. 1.
L.D. 252 “An Act Regarding Registration and Correction of Death Information on Death Certificates” Adds the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner as a certifier of cause of death to accommodate the electronic death registration system and permits the office to electronically submit amendments to the death certificate using the electronic death registration system.
L.D. 253 “An Act Regarding Registration of Fetal Deaths” Allows fetal death certificates to be filed with the Registrar of Vital Statistics and the municipal clerk, authorizes preparation of fetal death certificates with medical information provided by a doctor or witness.
Insurance and Financial Services Committee; public hearings; room 220; Cross Building
L.D. 176 “An Act To Amend and Clarify the Maine Uniform Securities Act” Clarifies that the person must have knowingly or intentionally engaged in conduct that is illegal must be proven to support a criminal conviction and allows the administrator to order restitution in a final order as part of the administrative proceeding.
L.D. 204 “An Act To Amend the Laws That Govern the Activities of Insurance Adjusters” Repeals the prohibition of an insurance adjuster from soliciting or offering an adjustment services contract to any person for at least 36 hours after an accident or event that may result in the person having a claim.
2:30 p.m.
Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee; work sessions; room 208; Cross Building
L.D. 148 “An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Drugs and Vaccines Administered by Pharmacists” Allows pharmacists to administer vaccines to people 9 years old or older with a valid prescription and allows a pharmacy intern to administer drugs and vaccines with direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist.
L.D. 260 “An Act To Extend Funding for the Loring Job Increment Financing Fund” Extends funding for the Loring Job Increment Financing Fund to 2026.
9 a.m.
State and Local Government Committee; work sessions; room 214; Cross Building
L.D. 183 “An Act To Exempt Municipalities That Do Not Hold Annual Meetings from Required Publication of an Annual Report” provides that only municipalities that hold a town meeting are required to publish an annual report.
L.D. 210 “An Act To Require That Forms, Pamphlets and Other Documents Be Designed To Permit the Continued Use of the Materials” Bans the name of any state agency, board, commission or department officials on any document they produce and distribute to the public after Jan. 1, 2014, unless its inclusion is required to make the document legal. This emergency bill authorizes the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women to accept and expand funds for their purposes, eliminates the vice chair and the term period for the chair.
L.D. 231 “An Act To Support the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women” This emergency bill authorizes the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women to accept and expand funds for their purposes, eliminates the vice chair and the term period for the chair.
10 a.m.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee; public hearings; room 436; State House
L.D. 251 “An Act Criminalizing Trafficking in Contraband or Alcoholic Beverages in State Hospitals Serving Adults” Makes it a class C crime to traffick in contraband and a class E crime to traffick in alcoholic beverages in Riverview Psychiatric Center or Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center.
L.D. 353 “An Act To Allow Young Adult Offenders To Be Confined in Juvenile Correctional Facilities and To Comply with Federal Law Requirements” Allows the Department of Corrections to incarcerate offenders between the ages of 18-26 at the Long Creek Youth Development Center and the Mountain View Youth Development Center as long as they are separated from the juvenile population.
L.D. 366 “An Act To Adjust the Values of Property That Define the Class of Crime for Theft Offenses” Makes theft more than $20,000 a class B drime, more than $5,000 but less than $20,000 a class C crime, more than $1,000 but not more than $5,000 a class D crime.
Health and Human Services Committee; public hearings; room 209; Cross Building
L.D. 197 “An Act To Permit Nurse Practitioners To Perform the Functions of School Physicians” This bill allows a family or pediatric nurse practitioner to serve as a health care provider in a school.
L.D. 257 “An Act To Protect Newborns Exposed to Drugs or Alcohol” Once a health care provider has notified the Department of Health and Human Services of an infant from birth to 12 months of prenatal alcohol or drug exposure DHHS must prepare a plan for the safe care of the infant. Repeals the requirement that the department investigate every notification for abuse or neglect.
L.D. 276 “Resolve, To Improve Access to Oral Health Care for MaineCare Recipients” This resolve increases MaineCare dental reimbursement rates for 20 preventive, diagnostic and restorative dental procedures to the 10th percentile.
L.D. 305 “An Act To Eliminate Institute Councils for Mental Health Institutions” This bill repeals the laws establishing institute councils for the Riverview Psychiatric Center and Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center.
L.D. 386 “An Act To Reduce Tobacco-Related Illness and Lower Health Care Costs in MaineCare” This emergency bill requires tobacco cessation treatment for MaineCare members who are adults or are pregnant without copayments, requires the Department of Health and Human Services to pursue federal reimbursement for the cost of coverage.
L.D. 390 “An Act To Restore MaineCare Coverage for Ambulatory Surgical Center Services” This emergency bill restores funding for MaineCare coverage for ambulatory surgical center services.
Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee; work sessions; room 208; Cross Building
L.D. 1 “An Act to Amend the Maine Workers’ Compensation Act of 1992.” Clarifies a number of Workers’ Compensation Board procedures and rules; extends the deadline on predetermination requests to 30 days; makes board decisions on predetermination requests final; eliminates outside review of employment rehabilitation requests; extends reinstatement petitions for small business to two years; makes employers reimburse insurers if the employer causes a late first injury filing.
L.D. 159 “An Act Regarding the Laws Governing Unemployment Compensation Benefits for Employees of Temporary Staffing Agencies” If a temporary staffing agency gives prior written notice that upon completion of a job, the employee must contact the staffing agency to seek additional work or the employee is considered to have voluntarily separated from the job for the purpose of unemployment compensation benefit eligibility.
L.D. 235 “An Act To Improve Insurance Coverage for Volunteer First Responders” Clarifies that injuries suffered by volunteer firefighters or volunteer emergency medial services person in the process of responding to a call are compensable.
Transportation Committee; public hearings; room 126; State House
L.D. 324 “An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013” This emergency governor’s bill makes appropriations and allocations of funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013 and makes allocations of funds for approved reclassifications.
L.D. 332 “Resolve, To Direct the Department of Transportation To Provide Signs on Interstate 95, on Interstate 395 and in the City of Brewer for the Underground Railroad Memorial at Chamberlain Freedom Park” This resolve directs the Department of Transportation to provide signs on Interstate 95, on Interstate 395 and in the City of Brewer to inform travelers of the Underground Railroad Memorial at Chamberlain Freedom Park.
L.D. 404 “An Act To Exempt Snowmobile Clubs from Certain Department of Transportation Sign Requirements” This bill adds directional signs of a snowmobile club affiliated with a statewide nonprofit association to the list of categorical signs that may be erected and maintained without a license or permit.
L.D. 407 “Resolve, Directing the Maine Turnpike Authority To Place Signs Directing Motorists to Oxford Casino” This resolve directs the Maine Turnpike Authority to place directional signs for Oxford Casino in the Town of Oxford on the Maine Turnpike at the northbound and southbound exits of the highway that are located closest to Oxford Casino and directs Oxford Casino to assume all costs.
Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee; public hearings; room 437; State House
L.D. 174 “An Act To Prohibit the Placement of Political Signs within 25 Feet of a Cemetery or Burial Site” Prohibits the placement of political signs within 25 feet of a known burial site or of the boundaries of an established cemetery.
L.D. 214 “An Act To Require Registered Voter Lists To Be Provided to Candidates for Legislative Office” Requires the secretary of state to provide lists of registered voters in a legislative district to candidates for the Legislature in that district prior to the primary and general elections.
L.D. 320 “An Act To Ensure the Integrity of the Election Process” Proposes to review ways to remedy errors made in the course of the conduct of elections, including, but not limited to, the circumstances under which a new election is a more appropriate remedy than a recount.
1 p.m.
Environment and Natural Resources Committee; public hearings; room 216; Cross Building
L.D. 331 “Resolve, To Expand Economic Development in the Town of Orrington by Releasing Certain Riverfront Land from State-imposed Environmental Restrictions” Directs the Department of Environmental Protection to release all department-imposed development restrictions on the former HoltraChem Manufacturing Co. site that are not targeted for cleanup and remediation.
L.D. 336 “An Act Relating to Clean Water Certification by the Department of Environmental Protection” Requires the Department of Environmental Protection and Maine Land Use Planning Commission to submit approved water quality certifications to the Legislature for review and approval by the Joint Standinding Committee on Environment and Natural Resources to apply retroactively to Aug. 1, 2011.
Transportation Committee; public hearings; room 126; State House
L.D. 51 “An Act To Allow Lifetime Disability Plates or Placards for Eligible Applicants with Lower Limb Loss” This bill provides that the disability plate or placard for a person with loss of all or part of one or both lower limbs does not expire during the eligible applicant’s lifetime.
L.D. 226 “An Act To Establish a Renewable Energy License Plate” This bill establishes a specialty license plate to increase funding for renewable energy programs.
L.D. 371 “Resolve, Regarding Revenue from the World Acadian Congress Commemorative Registration Plate” This emergency bill retroactively provides fiscal agent of the entity that is the beneficiary of the revenue, less cost from the sale of the commemorative simulated registration plates.
L.D. 405 “An Act To Increase Municipal Agent Fees for Licensing and Registration of Motor Vehicles” Increases the motor vehicle licensing and registration service fees to renewal of a license or registration to $5, and a new license or registration to $6.
State and Local Government Committee; public hearings; room 214; Cross Building
L.D. 255 “An Act To Establish July 27th as Maine Korean War Veteran Recognition Day” This emergency bill establishes July 27 of each year as Maine Korean War Veteran Recognition Day.
L.D. 274 “An Act To Preserve and Protect Ancient Burial Grounds and Burial Grounds in Which Veterans Are Buried” Authorizes a municipality to delegate to a caretaker their responsibilities and removes the requirement of war service that requires the municipality to care for the public burring ground.
L.D. 399 “An Act To Change the Name of the Department of Audit” This bill changes the name of the Department of Audit to the Office of the State Auditor.
Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee; work sessions; room 437; State House
L.D. 53 “An Act To Increase Voting Access” Allows people to vote by absentee ballot in the presence of a municipal clerk until the close of business on the day before election day.
L.D. 54 “An Act To Expand Access to Absentee Ballots” Eliminates restriction on the issuance of absentee ballots, removes deadlines for the return of an absentee ballot by a third person and allows people to vote by absentee ballot until 8 p.m. the day of any election.
L.D. 156 “Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine Concerning Early Voting and Voting by Absentee Ballot” Requires the Legislature to allow qualified voters to vote at a polling place in or outside of the city, town or plantation where that voter’s residence has been established and allows voting by absentee ballot by citizens without requiring they be absent or physically incapacitated.
L.D. 216 “An Act To Extend the Hours for the Sale of Liquor on Sunday When St. Patrick’s Day Is on a Sunday” This emergency bill removes the prohibition on the sale of liquor on Sunday from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. when St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, falls on a Sunday.
1:30 p.m.
Health and Human Services Committee; public hearings; room 209; Cross Building
L.D. 272 “An Act To Reduce Youth Cancer Risk” Prohibits tanning facilities from allowing those younger than 18 years old to use their services.
L.D. 330 “An Act To Require All Lodging Places To Be Licensed by the State” Requires the State to license lodging places, private homes and inns, and remove the municipality the authority to license lodging houses.
L.D. 337 “An Act To Require That Burn Injuries and Wounds Be Reported to the Office of the State Fire Marshal” Requires that health care practitioners report burn injuries that are second or third degree up to 5 percent of the body, burns to the upper respiratory tract or wounds that may result in the death of the victim to the Office of the State Fire Marshal. Provides immunity for practitioners who report in good faith and abrogates the health care practitioner-patient privilege for the purposes of reporting.
L.D. 387 “Resolve, To Direct the Department of Health and Human Services To Assist Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities with Home Support” Directs the Department of Health and Human Services to study the home and community based waiver program, which allows states to provide long term care services in home and community based settings, and locate funding to better provide services that allow program participants to meet basic needs for shelter and nourishment.
L.D. 388 “An Act To Amend the Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program Participation Requirements” Provides an automatic enrollment at the time of licensure or renewal or the issuance of a certificate of registration by the U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration as an alternative to the mandatory participation provision for prescribers in the Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program.
1 p.m.
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee; public hearings; room 214; Cross Building
L.D. 269 “An Act To Provide Increased Opportunities on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway” Beginning in the 2014 camping season the group size maximum that may travel the Allagash watercourse or camp is 24; larger groups must divide themselves in groups of less than 24 except when the division issues an exception.
L.D. 286 “An Act To Reduce Reporting Responsibilities of the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry” Repeals the reporting requirements of the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry’s Agricultural Internship and Training Program and the nutrient management program.
L.D. 287 “An Act To Improve Funding of Agricultural Development Projects” Allows the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry more flexibility with grants and contracts and allows the Department to directly fund agricultural development projects.
L.D. 289 “An Act To Eliminate the Requirement That the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Provide Technical Services for Direct-marketing Agricultural Products” Removes the requirement that the Department of Agriculture provide technical assistance for lease and contract negotiation.
Education and Cultural Affairs Committee; public hearings; room 202; Cross Building
L.D. 351 “An Act To Authorize the Provision of Insurance on Student Loans” This emergency bill specifies the Finance Authority of Maine may provide loan insurance on supplemental student loans and renames it the Higher Education Loan and Loan Insurance Program.
L.D. 384 “An Act To Allow Spouses and Children of Veterans Killed in the Line of Duty To Receive the State Tuition Waiver” Provides tuition waivers to state postsecondary education institutions for spouses and children of members of the U.S. Armed Forces who have been killed or injured on duty.
Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee; public hearings; room 211; Cross Building
L.D. 302 “Resolve, Directing the Public Utilities Commission To Review Certain Electricity Distribution Charges Assessed on Businesses” Requires the Public Utilities Commission to review the 25-kilowatts charge against companies for months where they used less than 25 kilowatts and they used less than 25 kilowatts the same month of the previous year. They must report their findings by Dec. 4, 2013.
L.D. 303 “An Act To Authorize the Public Advocate To Publish and Distribute Consumer Information” Authorizes the public advocate to publish information and advice for consumers concerning telecommunications, electricity, gas delivery and supply, and municipal drinking water.
Health and Human Services Committee; work sessions; room 209; Cross Buildings
L.D. 145 “An Act To Ensure Adequate Child Protective Services throughout the State” Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to establish in each county at least one office with the staff to provide child protective services.
L.D. 162 “An Act To Repeal the Maine Certificate of Need Act of 2002” Eliminates the requirement that a person receive a certificate of need from the Department of Health and Human Services before introducing additional health care services.
L.D. 164 “An Act To Provide MaineCare Reimbursement for Pastoral Counselors” Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to reimburse the MaineCare program for services provided by a licensed pastoral counselor beginning Jan. 1, 2014.
L.D. 198 “An Act To Clarify Physicians’ Delegation of Medical Care” Clarifies that a physician or surgeon may delegate to their employees certain medical care without being present at the time they are performed.
L.D. 230 “An Act To Establish the Commission on Health Care Cost and Quality” Establishes the Commission on Health Care Cost and Quality to monitor Maine’s health care and re-establishes State Health Plan.
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee; public hearings; room 206; Cross Building
L.D. 86 “Resolve, Directing the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife To Amend Its Process of Gathering Public Opinion on Rulemaking and Other Projects” This resolve requires the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to improve its use of electronic communication methods in notifying the public of proposed rulemaking, public hearings and other proposals.
L.D. 128 “An Act To Abolish the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Advisory Council” This bill abolishes the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Advisory Council.
L.D. 142 “An Act To Add Using an All-terrain Vehicle to the List of Activities Included in the Definition of ‘Guide’ in the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Laws” Ads all-terrain vehicles to the list of activities a guide accompanies or assists a person with for compensation.
L.D. 153 “An Act To Establish a Comprehensive Hunting and Fishing License” Creates a comprehensive license that includes all hunting and fishing licenses and permits and entries into the moose and antlerless deer lotteries eliminating the super pack license.
L.D. 229 “An Act To Simplify and Encourage the Sale of Hunting and Fishing Licenses and Permits” This emergency bill extends the lifetime license system to all, regardless of age, allows antlerless deer permits to be transferred regardless of age, requires the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to convene a task force to report by Dec. 1 on people and organizations that purchase licenses for the sole purpose of reducing the number of licenses available, plan for updating its online system for people to purchase licenses and registrations online presented by April 1, plan to simplify and streamline eligibility requirements submitted by Dec. 1.
Insurance and Financial Services Committee; public hearings; room 220; Cross Building
L.D. 158 “An Act To Amend the Notice of Risk to Personal Data Act To Further Protect Consumers” Requires that notice of a personal information security breach must be made no later than 30 days after the discovery of the breach to residents affected by the breach, made immediately to state regulators and doubles the fines for a civil violation.
L.D. 205 “An Act To Exempt Free Clinics from Licensing under the Charitable Solicitations Act” This bill exempts incorporated nonprofit health facilities that provide health care to persons at no charge from licensing requirements under the Charitable Solicitations Act.
Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee; public hearings; room 208; Cross Building
L.D. 246 “An Act To Provide for the 2013 and 2014 Allocations of the State Ceiling on Private Activity Bonds” Establishes the allocations of the state ceiling on issuance of tax-exempt private activity bonds for the next two years.
L.D. 364 “An Act To Amend the Laws Regulating Suppliers of Agricultural, Construction, Industrial and Forestry Equipment” This bill provides that, when a supplier reimburses a dealer for equipment, repair parts or labor because of the prohibition on coercion and interference, the supplier is prohibited from recovering the supplier’s costs of that reimbursement.
L.D. 411 “An Act To Amend the Health Care Practitioner Licensing, Disciplinary and Reporting Laws Regarding Alcohol and Drug Abuse” Provides that substance use that may result in endangering patients is grounds for discipline. This bill also updates terminology used to reference drug or alcohol problems.
L.D. 414 “An Act To Restructure the Licensing and Regulation of Boilers and Pressure Vessels and Elevators and Tramways” Places the duties and responsibility for administering and overseeing the licensing and inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, elevators and tramways under the director of the Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation.
2 p.m.
Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee; work sessions; room 214; Cross Building
L.D. 218 “An Act To Promote Small-scale Poultry Farming” Exempts poultry farmers from inspection that either process less than 1,000 birds annually, and those that process more than 999 and fewer than 2,000 birds annually.
L.D. 259 “An Act To Allow a Person Who Owns a Slaughterhouse To Slaughter Poultry for Other People” This emergency bill allows for a slaughterhouse to rent their house for the purpose of slaughtering poultry, as long as the slaughtering is performed by the owner/ operator of the house, the poultry is not being sold or transported out of state, and the information is printed on a label.
L.D. 271 “An Act To Facilitate the Processing of Livestock That Is Not for Resale” Removes the processors and slaughterhouses that process meat for the owner, the owner’s household and nonpaying guests from laws regulating meat processing and licensing requirements.
L.D. 282 “An Act To Eliminate the Commercial Standard for Maine White-cedar Shingles” This bill eliminates the commercial standard for Maine white-cedar shingles, a program that has no funding and that has not been used for at least 20 years.
L.D. 283 “An Act To Eliminate the Elm Tree Restoration Fund” This bill eliminates the Elm Tree Restoration Fund, a program that has no funding and that has never been used.
L.D. 284 “An Act To Amend the Duties of the Division of Forestry” This bill requires the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, Division of Forestry to conduct a landowner relations program and repeals a requirement that the division print copies of forestry and forestry-related laws biennially.
L.D. 285 “An Act To Electronically Issue Permits for Burning” This bill directs the director of the Division of Forestry in the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to develop a system to electronically issue permits for burning in all areas of the state using a public website and specifies the process for the fee for electronic permits.
L.D. 290 “An Act To Eliminate the Forest Certification Incentive Cost-share Fund” This bill eliminates the Forest Certification Incentive Cost-share Fund, a program that has no funding and that has never been used.
Education and Cultural Affairs Committee; work session; room 202; Cross Building
L.D. 160 “An Act To Amend the Laws Pertaining to Archaeological Sites” Distinguishes between sites and protected sites, changes related laws to read “protected sites.”
Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee; work session; room 211; Cross Building
L.D. 131 “An Act To Secure the Safety of Electrical Power Transmission Lines” Requires the Public Utilities Commission that transmission line petitions include a description of design measures that limit damage from electromagnetic field levels and geomagnetic storms and requires the commission consider electromagnetic pulses and geomagnetic storms for all transmission lines and in the future and under construction upon the effective date of this bill.
10 a.m.
Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee; work sessions; room 437; State House
L.D. 69 “An Act To Strengthen Financial Disclosure Laws for the Legislative and Executive Branches of State Government” Changes the minimum value of gifts that must be disclosed for legislators and executive branch employees to $200, provides that former executive employees in a major policy-influencing position may not accept compensation for employment during the year immediately following the termination of their employment as an executive employee to a person that engages in a business activity that is regulated by the state or quasi-state agency where they were employed.
L.D. 169 “An Act To Provide Revenue to Veterans’ Organizations and the Maine Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery System Care Fund from Table Game Revenue” This emergency bill directs 2 percent of the net table games income to the Coordinated Veterans Assistance Grant Fund, which give grants to veterans’ service organizations and an annual deposit to the Maine Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery System Care Fund.
L.D. 184 “An Act To Enhance Transparency in Government by Implementing a Waiting Period for Legislators before They May Register as Lobbyists” This bill prohibits a person who served as a legislator, from the 126th Legislature on, from lobbying until one year after that person’s term as a legislator ends.
L.D. 185 “An Act To Increase the Discount Rate on Alcoholic Beverages Sold by Agency Liquor Stores” Changes the discount price for spirits and fortified wine sold by agency liquor stores to between 10 and 15 percent.
L.D. 213 “An Act To Provide Funding for Transportation of Veterans to Medical Facilities” Provide $30,000 for the next two years for the operating costs of Disabled American Veterans transportation network, which provides transportation to U.S. Veterans Administration medical facilities.
Taxation Committee; work sessions; room 127; State House
L.D. 150 “An Act To Modernize State Income Tax Refunds” Requires in 2014 individual income tax refunds must be made in the form of a debit card or direct deposit, or by check if requested by those 56 years or older.
L.D. 167 “An Act To Base the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax on the Purchase Price of the Motor Vehicle” Requires that the excise tax for all motor vehicles and campers be based on the actual money financed or paid by the consumer after rebates or discounts.
L.D. 212 “An Act To Provide a Tax Exemption for Tobacco Sold to an Adult Member of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe for Cultural, Spiritual or Ceremonial Purposes” Provides a sales tax exemption for the purchase of cigarettes and tobacco products by adult members of federally recognized Indian tribes for cultural, spiritual or ceremonial purposes.
L.D. 234 “An Act To Provide Tax Treatment Consistency for Limited Liability Companies and S Corporations” Beginning Jan. 1, 2014, limited liability companies or S corporations that receive an income tax credit against their share of the entities income, cannot use that sum to decrease the entities’ income.
L.D. 240 “An Act To Allow Motor Fuel Taxable Sales Disclosure” This bill provides that monthly reports of the number of gallons of taxable gasoline and special fuel sold in the State are not confidential.
1 p.m.
Taxation Committee; work sessions; room 127; State House
L.D. 107 “Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Permit the Legislature To Provide a One-year Period of Penalty Relief for Withdrawal of Forest Land from Current Use Valuation” Provides a one year penalty relief period where forest land may be withdrawn at current valuation with no penalty if it has been taxed at current value for at least five years and at least half the owner’s land is taxed at current valuation. This is available once every five years.
L.D. 126 “An Act To Provide a Sales Tax Exemption to Incorporated Nonprofit Performing Arts Organizations” This bill provides a sales tax exemption for sales to incorporated nonprofit performing arts organizations.
L.D. 136 “An Act To Connect Benefits Provided under the Circuit Breaker Program with the Payment of Property Taxes” Provides that people seeking benefits under the Circuit Breaker Program determine if their property taxes are paid at the time of application. If not, the benefit must be endorsed by the municipality, and the municipality may withhold the taxes owed for the year the benefit is issued. Municipalities may only withhold more than the amount of taxes owed with written permission of the beneficiary.
L.D. 400 “An Act To Amend the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law” Provides that a landowner applying for classification of land under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law must attest that the harvesting of trees on the land will be performed by residents of the state and products will be processed in the state.
L.D. 402 “An Act To Exempt Members of the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians from Property Tax” Provides that the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians and members of the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians are exempt from property taxes in the State.
L.D. 492 “An Act To Increase Reimbursement to Municipalities under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law” Proposes to increase reimbursement to municipalities for property tax losses resulting from the current use classification of land under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law.
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