Incumbents Harold Jones III and Timothy McDonald were re-elected to serve on the Monmouth Select Board for three-year terms.

Both Jones and McDonald are lifelong Monmouth residents and have served multiple terms on the Select Board. Jones has 28 years of fleet management experience and now works for Sazerac Transportation. McDonald has owned and operated TMAC Computers in Monmouth since 1995.

Harold Jones III

Harold Jones III

The candidates ran against Angela Nagle and Donna Seppy.

Kristin Sanborn was elected to the Cumston Hall Board of Trustees. She ran against Raymond Fletcher and Linda Johnston.

The town also elected Jonathan Hamann, who ran unopposed, to serve on the Regional School Unit 2 Board of Directors while Allison Angell, who also ran unopposed, gained a seat on the Cumston Library Board of Trustees. Daniel Niles and Rufus Smith ran for and were elected to the Monmouth Sanitary District Board of Trustees.

During the secret ballot Town Meeting, voters approved a $3,292,177 spending plan. The budget includes a $125,094 — or 3.94% — increase in spending from the current fiscal year’s $3,167,083 spending.


They also approved $1,203,500 in anticipated revenue; that is a $60,150 — 5.26% — increase from the current fiscal year’s $1,143,350.

Residents approved accepting the Monmouth Middle and Henry L. Cottrell Elementary schools. In doing so, the town also approved setting aside $75,000 to pay for upkeep of the buildings.

RSU 2 is replacing the schools with a new consolidated school, scheduled to open in January, and the old facilities could be given to the town.

Options for the buildings — like whether they should be used, sold or demolished — will be determined at a future Town Meeting. A school reuse task force, developed by the town, has been studying costs and uses of the building.

The new school is set to open in January.

Residents approved the $30.56 million spending plan 318-83 for RSU 2. Monmouth’s local share will be $4,899,652, a 1.39% increase of $67,798.

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