1 p.m.

Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee; public hearings; room 214; Cross Building

L.D. 291, “An Act To Transfer Responsibility for the Returnable Beverage Container Laws from the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to the Department of Environmental Protection”: Transfers the administrations of the returnable beverage containers to the Department of Environmental Protection.

L.D. 312, “An Act To Release a Restriction on Former State Land in Passadumkeag Currently Owned by Dale Ross”: Directs the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to issue the deed of the former Passadumkeag land to Dale Ross, releasing the restrictions on that land.

Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee; public hearings; room 216; Cross Building

L.D. 175, “An Act To Update the Laws Governing Energy Efficiency Building Performance Standards”: Changes rules and definitions dealing with the energy efficiency building performance standards to reflect the changes made by the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code.


Health and Human Services Committee; public hearings; room 209; Cross Building

L.D. 374, “An Act To Eliminate the Child Support Collecting Fee Charged to a Person Who Has Never Received Assistance under a State Program”: provides that the state may not impose a fee for collection of child support on an individual who never received assistance under a state program if the individual would have been eligible for such assistance.

L.D. 434, “An Act To Provide a Safe Working Environment for Home Care Workers”: requires home health care providers to provide safe working conditions for their employees, including checking the sex offender registry for information on a client before sending an employee to the home of the client.

L.D. 447, “An Act To Increase Patient Choice in Health Care Facilities and Health Care Settings”: requires the disclosure of information to a patient being discharged to a nursing facility, hospice provider, or home health agency; physicians; nursing facilities; hospice providers; home health agencies and hospitals the patient’s health care options and business connections among hospitals nursing facilities, hospice providers and home health agencies.

L.D. 460, “An Act To Protect Newborn Infants by Requiring Birthing Facilities To Screen for Congenital Heart Disease Using Pulse Oximetry”: an emergency bill that requires a licensed health care facility that provides birthing and newborn care services to perform pulse oximetry to screen for congenital heart disease in a newborn in its care no sooner than 24 hours after the birth of that newborn.

L.D. 468, “An Act To Protect Public Health at Public Institutions of Higher Education”: prohibits smoking on the grounds of any campus of the University of Maine System, the Maine Community College System or the Maine Maritime Academy.


L.D. 487, “Resolve, To Establish MaineCare Eligibility for Young Adults Who Were Formerly in Foster Care”: directs the Department of Health and Human Services to submit to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services an application for a waiver under the Medicaid program to allow MaineCare to cover a young adult 19 to 25 years of age who was in the custody of the State on their 19th birthday.

Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee; public hearings; room 206; Cross Building

L.D. 100, “An Act To Allow Municipalities To Stock Ponds”: authorizes a municipality to stock a pond with fish when the pond is located entirely within the municipality’s boundaries, the municipality purchases the fish from the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, provide public boat access to the stocked pond and the municipality must pay costs incurred by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for their stocking activity.

L.D. 173, “An Act To Remove the Rangeley Plantation Sanctuary from the List of Wildlife Sanctuaries”: removes Rangeley Plantation Sanctuary from the list of territories designated as wildlife sanctuaries subject to the authority of the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.

L.D. 542, “An Act To Remove the Limit on the Retention of Live Smelts”: an emergency bill that removes the limit of 5 dozen live smelts from a person’s daily bag limit for smelt fishing.

Judiciary Committee; public hearings; room 438; State House


L.D. 64, “An Act To Place Land in Centerville in Trust for the Passamaquoddy Tribe”: adds land in Centerville to the Passamaquoddy Indian territory if that land is acquired by the secretary of the interior of the U.S. prior to Jan. 31, 2023, and is certified by the secretary as held for the benefit of the Passamaquoddy tribe.

L.D. 165, “An Act To Prohibit the Use of Eminent Domain in Certain Public-Private Partnerships”: prohibits the use of the power of eminent domain for the development, operation, management, ownership, leasing or maintenance of a transportation facility as a public-private partnership project.

L.D. 220, “An Act To Ban the United Nations Agenda 21 in Maine”: prohibits the state or any political subdivision of the state from adopting or implementing policies originating in the United Nations Agenda 21 or other international laws that restrict private property rights without due process.

L.D. 311, “An Act To Protect Landowners from the Exercise of Eminent Domain in Energy Infrastructure Corridors”: repeals the eminent domain authority for the purposes of developing an energy infrastructure corridor and prohibits any authority for eminent domain under Maine law to be used for the purposes of establishing or developing an energy infrastructure corridor.

L.D. 394, “An Act To Add Members of the Aroostook Band of Micmacs to the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission and Add Corresponding Members for the State”: adds to the Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission two members of the Aroostook Band of Micmacs and two members appointed by the governor.

Transportation Committee; public hearings; room 126; State House


L.D. 270, “An Act To Improve the Motor Vehicle Inspection System”: proposes to improve the motor vehicle inspection system.

L.D. 327, “An Act To Allow Media Motor Vehicles To Be Equipped with Amber Auxiliary Lights”: allows a media company vehicle to be equipped with amber auxiliary lights and to use those lights only if that vehicle is at an accident site on a public way.

L.D. 472, “An Act To Allow Properly Lifted Vehicles To Operate”: allows motor vehicles suspension to be modified to be higher than the height at which the vehicle was originally manufactured if the modification is performed by a person authorized by the chief of state police. The authorized person must give the owner/operator a suspension lift certificate that has to be given to the inspecting mechanic to pass state inspection.

L.D. 494, “An Act Regarding Maine Commercial Motor Carrier Safety Regulations”: instead requires only substantive changes to the rule incorporating by reference the federal regulations to be major substantive rulemaking.

L.D. 501, “An Act Regarding Enforcement of Commercial Vehicle Laws”: prohibits a state police officer or motor carrier inspector from disseminating information from a report prepared in connection with a roadside inspection of a motor carrier if a warning, rather than a summons, is issued.

1:30 p.m.


Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee; work sessions; room 214; Cross Building

L.D. 218, “An Act To Promote Small-scale Poultry Farming”: Exempts poultry farmers from inspection that either process less than 1,000 birds annually, and those that process more than 999 and fewer than 2,000 birds annually.

L.D. 259, “An Act To Allow a Person Who Owns a Slaughterhouse To Slaughter Poultry for Other People”: an emergency bill that allows a slaughterhouse owner to rent his or her house for the purpose of slaughtering poultry, as long as the slaughtering is performed by the owner/operator of the house, the poultry is not being sold or transported out of state and the information is printed on a label.

L.D. 271, “An Act To Facilitate the Processing of Livestock That Is Not for Resale”: removes the processors and slaughterhouses that process meat for the owner, the owner’s household and nonpaying guests from laws regulating meat processing and licensing requirements.

Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee; work sessions; room 216; Cross Building

L.D. 302, “Resolve, Directing the Public Utilities Commission To Review Certain Electricity Distribution Charges Assessed on Businesses”: requires the Public Utilities Commission to review the 25 kilowatts charge against companies for months where they used less than 25 kilowatts and they used less than 25 kilowatts the same month of the previous year. They must report their findings by Dec. 4, 2013.


L.D. 303, “An Act To Authorize the Public Advocate To Publish and Distribute Consumer Information”: authorizes the public advocate to publish information and advice for consumers concerning telecommunications, electricity, gas delivery and supply, and municipal drinking water.

2:30 p.m.

Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee; work sessions; room 208; Cross Building

L.D. 411, “An Act To Amend the Health Care Practitioner Licensing, Disciplinary and Reporting Laws Regarding Alcohol and Drug Abuse”: provides that substance use that may result in endangering patients is grounds for discipline. This bill also updates terminology used to reference drug or alcohol problems.

L.D. 414, “An Act To Restructure the Licensing and Regulation of Boilers and Pressure Vessels and Elevators and Tramways”: places the duties and responsibility for administering and overseeing the licensing and inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, elevators and tramways under the director of the Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation within the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation.