Maine needs more solar jobs like for young people like me who want to be in rural Maine but need work to do so. This June, I started a job in Maine’s solar energy industry working for Maine Solar Solutions. This job will give me the opportunity to acquire enough hours and experience to become a licensed electrical journeyman.

We can create more of jobs and grow our economy by removing arbitrary policy barriers that are holding the solar energy industry back, and by doing so, we can increase access and create benefits for all Mainers. I chose to work in the solar energy industry because I care about clean energy, and I’d like to be able to stay in Maine to do this work. We need to pass solar policy to grow the number of jobs that give people the option to come in Maine.

Soon legislators will consider a bill, L.D. 1711, which would move Maine’s solar energy industry forward. Passing this bill would create 553 new, good-quality jobs. By using market mechanisms, this bill will attract investment and solar energy development to the state that will help us lower our energy costs, produce more local renewable power, and protect clean air in the state.

I hope Mainers will reach out to their legislators to encourage the Maine legislature to finally pass some solar policy that can get Maine out of last place on solar jobs in New England.


Thomas Hopf-lovette
