OAKLAND — Messalonskee High School has announced the following students were named to its fourth quarter honor roll for the 2018-19 academic year.

Seniors — High honors with distinction: Peyton Arbour, Taylor Baker, Amelia Bradfield, Molly Calkins, Grace Carlson, Brandon Condon, Julia Cooke, Gabriel Denbow, Adam DeWitt, Lillie Fortier, Alexandra Frost, Alyssa Genness, Emily Giguere, Alannah Hartford, Markiana Hewett, Delaney Johnston, Emilija Kleinschmidt, Morgan Knowles and Sarah Kohl.

Also, Olivia Lagace, Ethan Lahaye, Carter Lambert, Thomas LaPlante, Emily Larsen, Paige Lilly, Autumn Littlefield, Molly MacKenzie, Seth Main, Ella Moore, Ian Nadeau, Emily Parent, Caitlin Parks, Zoe Penttila, Jillian Pino and Kaiisha Pluard.

Also, Megan Quirion, Olivia Roy, Kaitlin Seekins, Edin Sisson, Kaitlyn Smith, Leah Smith, Madison StPierre, Morgan Veilleux, Abigail Watson, Emma Wentworth, Hannah Wentworth and Magan Williams.

High honors: Alyson Albert, Erick Bennett, Grace Bourgoin, Colton Chavarie, Alexis Crowell, Noah Cummings, Jacob Dexter, Gabrielle Elkin, Michael Estes, Ethan Gilles, Elena Guarino and Jasmine Lambert.

Also, Eli Michaud, Molly Milligan, Mattea Ogden, Justin Philbrick, Ryan Plante, Mckenzie Pratt, Ryan Pullen, Tara Seymour, Megan Smith, Aaron Willoughby, Gabrielle WoodMcGuckin and Kendra Wormell.


Honors: Kaitlyn Berthiaume, James Blakeslee, Steven Cude, Jeremy Culig, Alexis Jordan Lizotte, Elisabeth Simmons, Hunter Smart and Kaiya Worthing.

Juniors — High honors with distinction: Nicholas Alexander, Ava Ardito, Abigayle Barney, Sami Benayad, Brianne Benecke, Taylor Bernier, Lauren Bourque, Lydia Bradfield, Alexa Brennan, Tucker Charles and Jonathan Christopher.

Also, Sadie Colby, Emma Concaugh, Cameron Croft, Emily Crowell, Austin Damren, Cassidy Day, Emma DiGirolamo, Taylor Jeffery Doone, Cooper Doucette, Molly Glueck, Martin Guarnieri, Danielle Hall, Benjamin Hellen and Travis Hosea.

Also, Christopher King, Joshua Languet, Hanna Lavenson, Eve Lilly, Addison Littlefield, Sarah Lowell, Katie Luce, Alyssa Mathieu, Mackenzie Mayo, Aislinn McDaniel, Meghan McQuillan, Ella Nash, Makayla Ouellette, Alexandria Pearce and Kailey Pelletier.

Also, Jacob Perry, Rosemary Peterson, Alexander Pierce, Nathalie Poulin, Alysan Rancourt, Elijah Ross, Dharani Singaram, Emily Smith, Hunter Smith, Makenzie Smith, Chloe Tilley, Eliza Towle, Sydney Townsend, Brandon Veilleux, Isaac Violette and Gabrielle Wener.

High honors: Connor Alley, Austin Bedsaul, Salvatore Caccamo, Abbie Clark, William Cole, Bradley Condon, Hunter Cote, Hannah Cummings, Dylan Cunningham, Lydia DAmico, Jordan Devine, Connor Evans, Nicolas Fontaine, Joseph Fougere, Challen Frankowski, Alexis Furbush, Amelia Gallagher, Elizabeth Hume, Alexander Jackson, Isabelle Languet, Benoit Levesque, Daimian Lewis, Caleb Luce and Isabella Luce.


Also, Connor McCurdy, Leighara McDaniel, Kassie McMullen, Joshua Raymond, Taylor Staples, Victoria Terranova, Deklan Thurston, Jade Veilleux, Maria Veilleux and Kaitlyn Vigue.

Honors: Jennessey Baylis, Patrick Chisum, Anne Corbett, Shiela Corson, Hannah DelGiudice, Lauren Fortin, Shelby Hoffman, Toni Holz, Tabitha Lake, Nathan Milne, Andrew Needham, Adam Pooler and Rebekah White.

Sophomores — High honors with distinction: Logan Alexander, Alexis Ames, Gemini August, Julia Bard, Alyssa Bell, Olivia Boudreau, Justin Bowman, Abigail Breznyak, Luke Buck, Kierra Bumford, Jordyn Caouette, Valerie Capeless, Jenna Cassani, Olivia Chabot, Ambrosina Cianfarano, Shauna Clark, Katelyn Douglass, Taryn Drolet, Kristen Dube, Kayley Ennis, Dylan Flewelling, Owen Hargrove and Abbigail Hreben.

Also, Gabriel Katz, Emily Levesque, Brynn Lozinski, Brooke Martin, Andrew Mayo, Grace McCarthy, Paige Meader, Olivia Otis, Matthew Parent, Kalli Perkins, Ela Peterson, Caleb Sadler, Lindsey Sirois, Cloe Sisson, Ella Smith, Taylor Veilleux, Megan Wilson, Noah Wood

High honors: Brody Armstrong, Brynn Boisvert, Gavin Bressette, Grace Bridges, Evan DeMott, Paige Dudley, Emilia Frost, Sierra Gagnon, Rylie Genest, Morgan Genness, Cassidy Guiggey, Timothy Hatt, Hunter Holt, Emma Ketch, Kylie Lyford, Aiden McGlauflin, Bradley Mullen, Emma Parrish, Angel Parsons, Lyndsey Patrie, Olivia Saucier, Jenna Shorey, Trent Thompson, Charlotte Wentworth, Lily Wilkie and Isaac Worcester.

Honors: Mariah Bean, Willow Blanchette, Abigail Carpenter, Christopher Carpenter, Logan Doucette, Myles Hammond, Juliana Jolin, Trevor Norton, Taylor Pacholski, Emmi Pelletier, Cameron Shenett, Corey Smith, James Smith, Zedakiah Sprague, Cole St. Peter and Charlie Towle.


Freshmen — High honors with distinction: Kendall Arbour, Brooke Austin, Owen Axelson, Olivia Bourque, Nathaniel Castner, Xavier Colfer, Caden Cote, Tieran Croft, Alexis Dostie, Brady Doucette, Isabella Emerson, Chantelle Flores, Vaness Gardner, Sarah Hellen, Cassie Jackson, Aspen James, James Jones, Rebekah Letourneau and Kiley Meader.

Also, Emma Palleschi, Benjamin Penttila, Brayden Perkins, Tucker Pieh, Justin Sardano, Gabrielle Sienko, Kimberley Spears, Alexandre StJarre, Grace Stocco, Jacob Thomas, Natalie Townsend, Izabella Wallingford, Grace Wener, Jordan White, Ryan Wright, Katherine True

High honors: Andi Anderson, Cooper Barrett, Samantha Bell, Rebekah Bucknam, Alexander Bussey, Colby Corson, Michael DAmico, Julia Davidson, Quinn Denis, Kristen Douglass, Hannah Ducasse, Spencer Gibson, Gabriel Jackson, Cody Knox, Camdyn LaMarre, Jordan Lambert, Jude Lilly, Jake Marlowe, Ezra Michaud, Gregory Michaud, Dylan Milligan, Syleena Milligan and Alyssa Monteith.

Also, Regan Pearce, Harrison Quimby, Faith Rice, Nicole Salvadori, Samuel Seekins, Marisa Stuart, Zachary Vashon, Ethan Witham, Meriah Zeimetz, Dynah Zimba

Honors: Joseph Ardito, Aria Biathrow, Haven Birch, Francesca Caccamo, Journey Charles, Samantha Cummings, Summer Daigle, Kaleb Dawe, Katharine Elliott, Gage Estes, Christina Fisher, Sofija Kleinschmidt, Braden Mayo, Alonzo Michaud, Lorenzo Michaud, Alex Pelotte, Ashton Pluard, Anthony Veilleux, Mitchel Violette and Kambra Worcester.