9 a.m.
Transportation Committee; public hearing; room 126; State House
L.D. 983, “An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2014”: makes allocations from gross revenues of the Maine Turnpike Authority for the payment of the authority’s operating expenses for the calendar year ending Dec. 31, 2014.
9:30 a.m.
Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development Committee; work sessions; room 208; Cross Building
L.D. 249, “Resolve, Directing the Board of Dental Examiners To Amend Its Rules To Improve Access to Oral Health Care in Maine”: requires the Board of Dental Examiners to permit a dental student to perform limited dental service in certain settings, commensurate with the student’s level of training, under the supervision and control of a licensed dentist or a teaching school.
L.D. 445, “An Act To Improve Efficiencies in Dental Offices”: allows expanded function dental assistants to perform supra gingival scaling under the direct supervision of a dentist.
L.D. 553, “An Act To Remove the Statement of Oral Condition as a Requirement for Denturists Making Partial Dentures”: removes the requirement that a denturist first receive a written statement of oral condition or oral health certificate prior to making partial dentures.
L.D. 656, “Resolve, Requiring the Department of Economic and Community Development To Develop Incentives for Industries in the State To Increase Employment of Maine Residents”: requires the Department of Economic and Community Development to work with the Department of Labor, the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Revenue Services and regional planning commissions to develop incentives for manufacturing, agricultural and creative industries in the state to increase their employment of Maine residents and report by Dec. 4, 2013.
L.D. 700, “An Act To Require Elevators To Be Accessible for Ambulance Stretchers”: requires beginning Jan. 1, 2018 all multistory buildings that house private entities or nonprofit organizations that serve the public or are places of public accommodation have at least one passenger elevator with access from all levels in the building large enough for an ambulance stretcher in the full supine position.
L.D. 739, “Resolve, To Establish a Task Force To Study Economic Development in Rural Areas”: establishes a task force to study measures designed to encourage economic development and opportunity in rural areas of the State.
10 a.m.
Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee; public hearings; room 436; State House
L.D. 379, “An Act To Require Institutions To Report Knowledge or Suspicion of Criminal Violations to a Law Enforcement Agency”: requires the administration of an institution supported by public funds that provides a public service to immediately report to the appropriate law enforcement agency any knowledge or suspicion of a crime or criminal activity that is taking or has taken place on their grounds.
L.D. 703, “An Act To Make Post-conviction Possession of Animals a Criminal Offense”: sets the minimum amount of time for a person convicted of animal cruelty that the person cannot own, possess or have on the person’s premises an animal as five years for a class D crime and 15 years for a class C crime and makes a violation of these time periods a class D crime; a person may petition the court to reduce theses times.
L.D. 841, “An Act To Prevent Offensive Touching of a Person Seeking Access to Public Facilities”: makes unlawful contact during a security screening a class D crime except at correctional facilities.
L.D. 842, “An Act To Facilitate the Use of Electronic Monitoring To Prevent Domestic Violence”: allows those seeking a protection from abuse order to request that the defendant be subject to electronic monitoring, which will be ordered only after a full protection from abuse hearing and only after consideration of various domestic violence risk factors; pilot program beginning July 1, 2015 and statewide program beginning Jan. 1, 2016. It repeals the electronic monitoring fund within the Department of Corrections and places it in the judicial branch.
Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee; work session; room 437; State House
L.D. 572, “An Act Regarding Games of Chance Operated by Snowmobile Clubs”: allows snowmobile clubs to accept wagers of up to $50 per hand on games of chance and is limited to two poker run events per year in which the club is permitted to accept the increased wagers.
1 p.m.
Labor, Commerce, Research and Economic Development; work sessions; room 208; Cross Building
L.D. 293, “An Act To Ensure Parity in the Collective Bargaining Process among State Institutions of Higher Education”: removes the requirement that cost items in any collective bargaining agreement of community college employees be submitted for inclusion in the governor’s next operating budget and be subject to review by the legislature.
L.D. 696, “An Act To Include Raising Equines in the Definition of Agriculture for the Purpose of the Maine Workers’ Compensation Act of 1992”: amends the definition of “agriculture” to include the raising of equines and equines are included in “products used in animal agriculture” for purposes of providing an exemption from the sales and use tax.
L.D. 761, “An Act To Clarify the Agricultural Exemption to the Workers’ Compensation Laws”: exempts from workers’ compensation if the employer has 6 or fewer full-time agricultural or aquacultural laborers.
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