I recently noticed the headline about President Donald Trump benefiting from allowing National Guard returnees to stay at his golf club. Really? That has got to be the stupidest headline and article you have ever put on your front page.

The appropriate headline would have been: “President Trump, commander in chief of the armed forces, brought some of the National Guard returnees, who have been overseas, to his golf club for some R&R before returning home.”

The president may have done this to have some personal time with them by phone or in person to thank them for their service. Why not reward our men and women for their service since he has the facilities and he is their boss? Isn’t that better than putting them up in a hotel?

I doubt that he makes much profit from their stays once all the staff and expenses are paid. Perhaps he is just being considerate.

President Trump is an excellent president and commander in chief. Did you not know that the president gives all his presidential income back to different government agencies?


Connie Craven
