IN WATERVILLE, Sunday at 3:31 p.m., a theft was reported at Budget Host Inn on Kennedy Memorial Drive.
4:29 p.m., a shoplifter was reported at Walmart, at Waterville Commons.
4:44 p.m., a theft was reported on Western Avenue.
6:56 p.m., harassment was reported on High Street.
8:33 p.m., an assault was reported at Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter on Colby Street.
Monday at 2:06 a.m., a burglary was reported at Motor Supply on College Avenue. It turned out not to be a burglary, according to the report.
8:16 a.m., juvenile offenses were reported on Victoria Drive.


IN WATERVILLE, Sunday at 2:30 a.m., Frank Curtis, 34, of Port Orange, Fl., arrested on a charge of operating after suspension, on Main Street.
 9:18 p.m., Taylor Cunliffe, no age given and listed as transient, arrested on a probation hold, on College Avenue.
 Monday at 12:52 a.m., James Jolin, 43, of 111 Western Avenue, arrested on a warrant, as well as charges of operating under the influence and failure to file an accident report, on Lincoln Street.