Maine has a chance to put its thumb on the scale in the Democratic race for president on March 3rd. It is not something to be taken lightly. To defeat Donald Trump, and also Trumpism, it is going to take a candidate who can not only win, but who can inspire such massive support that there is a resounding rejection of this president and his allies and enablers in the United States Congress in November.
It could also not be clearer that to win, Democrats are going to have to put forward a bold choice of their own. Modern history has shown that Democrats have only won the presidency when they have nominated a presidential candidate who is relatively new to national politics, representing a new generation of leadership, and that has had a hopeful and aspirational message for the future. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama all fit this profile. The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg, is that candidate in 2020.
Buttigieg is running with a campaign message of belonging that welcomes all progressives, moderates, independents and even what he likes to call “future former Republicans.” He has set the tone for a more civil and decent politics with his “Rules of the Road” that guide not only the conduct of his campaign staff, but also his supporters, which is in stark contrast to the toxic nature of other campaigns and President Trump. Buttigieg has proven that he can gain support of a diverse coalition in previous contests while showing his outstanding intellect, focus and discipline that will be needed to win and to govern.
In order to defeat this president and successfully face the challenges in the era that will come next, Pete Buttigieg is the winning choice.
Jonathan French
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