AUGUSTA — The Viles Arboretum invites anyone who would like to participate in its Community Gardens Program to join and sign up for a garden plot.

The arboretum offers a large array of garden plots for raising vegetables, herbs and flowers and the general interest has made this one of the more popular initiatives at the arboretum, according to a news release from the arboretum.

The arboretum’s goal is to make plots available for planting by Memorial Day Weekend and will aim for this date and hope for the best. The arboretum now has a tiller for its tractor so it will be much easier to till the garden.

This program is a great way to learn from others, trade seeds and plants, and join in an activity and meet other gardeners and people from the area. The arboretum provides watering cans, mulch, water and hoses, some implements and of course the tilled-garden plots.

To sign up, call 626-7989 or email, “community gardens”as the subject line.

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