GARDINER — City officials are expected to give final approval to the municipality’s proposed budget, along with appropriations for the ambulance and waste water treatment service enterprise accounts.
The $6.12 million budget represents a 2.4% increase from the current year’s spending plan and is set to go into effect July 1.
Part of that budget are negotiated pay increases for members of the four unions that represent city workers. They are the Teamsters Local #340, AFSME Local 2011 General Unit Council No. 93, Gardiner Professional Firefighter’s Local 2303 and Gardiner Police Officers Association, and authorize the city manager to sign on behalf of the city.
Elected officials are also expected to:
• conduct a public hearing on and consider interim financing for the wastewater treatment plant upgrade
• conduct a public hearing on and consider final approval to proposed changes to the Mobile Food Vending Units
• set the Fiscal Year ’21 tax due dates, set the interest rate for late payments and authorize the Tax Club program
• consider carry forward requests for purchases and projects that were budgeted but not finished in the current fiscal year
• approve and sign the warrant for Maine School Administrative District 11
• consider recommendations from the Ordinance Review Committee on amendments to the Marijuana Establishment Licensing Ordinance, and schedule public hearings and first and second reads
• review and accept the minutes of the June 10 meeting.
The Gardiner City Council will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Due to public health restrictions, the meeting will be aired on Facebook Live.
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