The Oxford Casino quietly reopened Thursday morning after saying less than 24 hours earlier that it wasn’t sure when it would reopen.

The Oxford Casino reopened Thursday morning. Steve Sherlock/Sun Journal

“We are happy to have received approval from local, state and regulatory authorities so that we could get our team members back to work and welcome guests back to Oxford Casino,” Jack Sours, the vice president and general manager of Oxford Casino Hotel and Event Center, said in a statement released Thursday morning.

“Cleanliness and safety have always made up the foundation of our culture, and are of the utmost importance — now more than ever.”

Employees have all had COVID-19 testing, Sours said.

Roughly 300 slot machines are open, but table games, hotel, event center and the restaurants will not reopen until a later unannounced date.

State mandates prevent Oxford casino from allowing more than 200 customers in its establishment. The main hall is divided in four zones, each with a maximum capacity of 50 people. Checkpoints will prevent more than 50 people in any quadrant.

Guests will be required to wear masks and must have their temperatures checked before entering the gaming area. To assist with contact tracing, customers must show an ID and provide a telephone number.

All employees have received required training on safety protocols, Sours said.

Maine’s other casino, Hollywood Casino in Bangor, is scheduled to reopen Friday at noon.