WINSLOW β€” Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8835 recently announced the kick-off of the 66th year of the VFW and it Ladies Auxiliary Voice of Democracy Scholarship competition.

Local students must write and record a three-to five-minute essay on: β€œIs Our Constitution Still Relevant?” Students should submit an audio cassette tape or audio CD, typed essay and entry form to their local VFW Post.

Post winners will advance to the district competition, then the first-place district winner will advance to the state competition. The state winner will receive a four-day trip to Washington, D.C. The first-place national winner will receive $30,000.

Note that this opportunity is for student who attend Winslow public schools, are home schooled and/or charter private schools. Interested students and teachers should call 873-1908 or write to Post 8835 at 175 Veteran Drive, Winslow, ME 04901.